The shirt- it's brand new, but it's a couple years old. I'll explain. When I started shopping for running shoes in the beginning of fitness a shirt caught my eye, at lady foot locker. I wanted it, but it only came in a lady's XL. It'd a baby tee with cap sleeves. It says "EVERY DAMN DAY Just Do It." It has a nike swoosh on it. I asked the clerk if they made any bigger sizes, she told me to try the mens department. In the nicest way possible I didn't leave that store upset, just dreaming of the day I could buy it. I had lost more weight by the end of the season, and when it was on sale, I bought it. I got it home and tried it on it fit, but it was tight (like it should be). I just didn't feel comfortable wearing it in public. I put it in a drawer and fell happy to own it, because after all, it DID fit me after all. Over the last year I have attempted to put it on a couple times and always take it off because I feel shy or lumpy.

Look at you - AWESOME job girlfriend! Keep it up! You're almost there!