Tuesday, April 10, 2012

life as i know it today....

Well am I upright? yes.
Am I running? no.
Am I happy about it? not exactly
Could it be worse? definitely, thankful it's not.
Thursday, I was really starting to feel a little better. I went to the gym and did a workout, the run definitely bothered my belly a little but I was starting to feel almost human again. I debated on going in for this test I had ordered to check out this nausea I was having.( I went anyway at the request of hubbs and mom, better to know it was nothing than ignore it)

Friday I had a scan of my gallbladder called a HIDAscan. Tangent: sat in the waiting room full of chairs, actually empty besides me and an old lady came and sat right beside me, I know I was by the entrance and she was not the best on her feet so I understood. The lady calling me in for the test told her I would be a while. Yeah she thought she was with me. I thought it was cute. The first hour of this test isn't so bad they inject you with an isotope and you lay on your back and sit there. Then the second half is the part I would have rather done without. They inject you with a gallbladder stimulating hormone, choelycystokinease, or as I call it luciferpiss. I got a blinding headache followed by horrid nausea and then cramps. I have had worse tummy aches, but after the test it didn't wear off, in fact I ended up with fully on issues plus a migraine. I spend all weekend in bed weak nauseated and very very icky.
Saturday morning after I procured the food from the grocery store, which I offered to do because hubbs offered, but when he comes home with groceries is usually like mass quantities of 5 things....so i went and appreciated the offer. I went to the store feeling sickly looking at all the food with disdain. Trying to purchase a weeks worth of food when you feel this way is terrible. Then after the store, I came home and retreated to bed. Dirty house, endless laundry I got in bed and cried about the nice weather, and the loss of our families 3 day weekend to this stupid test I was not sure if I was going to anyway. You realize it's beautiful outside and I haven't been running, Saturday is my day to be out pounding the pavement. I was in bed, watching Don't Mess With the Zohan. (what the hell is supposed to be funny in that movie anyway?)
Sunday for Easter, I powered through. Made it to church, where I had to sit down during the closing prayer because the gum a was chewing made me nauseated. Then made it to Mom's where we had a nice family dinner. I got to eat 2 dinner rolls and freezer jam, but I didn't feel to horrible. I just stayed away from all the food really. Later on that night at the next destination I had a jello giggler egg. I am eating but not much at all this weekend.
Yesterday I was feeling a little better made it through work okay. And today I made it until after dinner to start feeling a little crappy so I think it's starting to dissipate like it did before. I haven't heard anything about a result at this point, I am kinda scared if this isn't my gallbladder, a healthy individual with my diet shouldn't be feeling like this unless something is wrong. I love food, obviously, and this is depressing. I am hoping to feel like exercising even just a little this week, I could use a little tension relief. If it goes away real real soon that would be great.
Next week I start my new job. Yeah I wasn't going to say anything until it was official. I am going to work for visiting nurse company and just stay at my other job to fill in occasionally. This is going to be great for our family. I need to be around to be a soccer mom, and now I will have a kindergartener in the fall I have to be home at night. This is a great change. And it involves new family routines that we are all adjusting to. Trying to do all this gracefully. Naturally excited and a little jittery  .
weight this week 164.

Holiday In Spain, Counting Crows


  1. I'm still with you in spirit. I hope each day continues to be better.

  2. 164 !!!!!! You are amazing and I love you. :)

    Hida scan nearly killed me. Seriously. I was deathly allergic to the drug they injected into me for the 2nd part of the test and my throat closed. I couldn't move (beacse of the giant machine inches from my body) or speak to let them know what what going on after I started gasping for air so they ripped out the IV and brought the paddles over. When I saw that and they moved the machine out of the way, I started thrashing about because there was NO WAY they were touching me with those things! I knocked the nurse on her ass and was screaming bloody murder "get the fuck away from me with those!!" Everyone said "you can talk now?" and I said "what do you think?!?" I was awful. The poor tech said "well, I guess we won't start this part of the test over again because you're obviously allergic to something". Ya' think?

  3. hahahahaha. yep. i will never take that one over again. it's like getting injected with the flu!
