Thursday, November 29, 2012

a years work

 Halloween 2011
 christmas 2011
 feb 2012
march 2012
 may 2012

 august 2012 (22 miler)
2012 Halloween

a couple weeks ago. Recently had my myfitnesspal anniversary. I have been logging my food for over a year now. Been kinda lax lately and I think just looking at some pictures will help me draw some more inspiration to keep going. I am so close I don't know why I have been pissing around lately. I have been sliding back and forth from 164 to 167 for weeks. Time to get serious.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

oh yes I did


sweaty and wearing a stuffed turkey on my dome, that's how I roll.

ps Jan great race girl!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

For Unis*

I really don't want to talk about my life right now, we could just say I flew by the seat of my pants x7 that's my week. This is about Unis

Setting the scene to yikes 13 years ago to my first personal care job. My first real education on what bed side nursing actually was. I was 19 years old working 3-11 in a personal care  home. I guess because I some medical experience and I was in nursing school I gave off the impression I knew what I was doing. I really didn't train long, so I began my hands on education with people here. The nuts and bolts I knew, I understood medications and diagnosis but I didn't expect having a steady shift in a place like this meant getting to know people. This made me nervous, I was terrified.
It was easy for the most part, smile be on time and polite do what they need, except when it came to Unis. Unis had Alzheimers.  On my working area she was the only person with a cognitive problem, because that floor was not meant for those patients. Unis somehow remained in her same room as she progressed into her childlike state. She never tried to anywhere so the owners where statisfied with her room assingment. I had heard stories from the girl that trained me that Unis had struck her before, this woman was not petite either it, that made me nervous.  During my training I kept my distance, the girl precepting me was frustrated with trying to get her to get dressed for bed and take her medications, I was just in the way.
The First time I had charge of the area alone and it was time to take Unis to the dining hall she didn't want to go. But she wasn't a mean lady at all, what was I afraid of? Child like is exactly how I would describe her, her face sweet and innocent. My knee jerk reaction was to be a goof, and ask her to dance with me(I was scared). She smiled and showed me her dance frame pose. As we trotted around the room she sang a little nonsense song. I think right then I decided I would be hanging with her every chance I got. I some how got her to promanade to the dining hall and back.
As the year went on we laughed and sang through dinner and bed time through good days and bad days. Unis never took a swing at me. She taught me unconditional love. Unis didn't care if I was having a bad hair day, or if I my clothes didn't match. She couldn't remember what happened hour to hour but she knew my face and she trusted me. She changed me, the former stuck up young woman was now turning on lawrence welk in the common area on purpose so I could dance and sing as I passed the snacks at bedtime to my residents.  There were times I would get busted when someone came of the elevator and I had my arms extended and a leg in the air doing some silly to make someone smile it was totally worth being embarrassed.
After I left the personal care home to finish nursing school I got word that Unis died. I went to the funeral home and gave her family a rose. I only stayed for a minute, introduced myself to the family and I told them how much I loved her and I cried.
Unis still sticks with me. She taught me that joy and love can come out of anywhere. She popps in my head sometimes when I loose faith in people and it helps me to try a little harder.

Song for Unis: Alicia Keys, Girl On Fire

*unis is not the name of the real lady. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Chins up.

Lately everything has been wrong.   After a long stretch of good times, home runs, and squeaking by I started a little ahem, bad streak. I hate to call it bad luck.  Most of witch I have whined about, some I can't whine about, and some I'll whine about later. I am finding myself stressed, and pissy a lot. I don't like that at all. Not only all of that now NOW I have a wrinkle. shiiiiiiit. Yep my baby face is creased,  whatever at least I got some wit to back up my character right? So I am working on my positive mojo. Let's review and spin it in the right direction shall we?

Things are slowly improving, we are sort of getting back into a routine as a family since little dude's surgery. There maybe some mommy withdrawls happening, sighting the unsightly ankle biter attached to me every spare minute but it IS getting better.  This morning the older one gave the smaller one a new toy just to be nice, small things like that make me happy.

As for my job and settling, eh it's there. I do have about 50 million senior citizen buddies now. Ha! So I guess it pays to work your fanny off, team gray BeaverCounty has my back. I try to serve others to the best of my ability, golden rule stuff. It's fun to meet new people, and I still sort of get to maintain some work relationships. So I guess it has its moments, the day sure goes fast! I miss my coworkers a lot though.

The fittness level is still there, at a nice moderation right now enough to burn calories and stress not enough time for ouchies and overuse fun like chaffe. I plan on a turkey trot coming up, my annual holiday with my Kenyan bud, I plan to wear a stuffed turkey on my head. I love to be absurd, I love turkey, and silly is good for my soul. I have been too serious about everything lately I plan on really being an sillyass.  It maybe time to start planning a big race for next year to look forward to, I know I said probably no marathon but I think maybe I just am a marathoner now. I still maintain never have run a half marathon yet.

The diet? Oh yeah,  um my scale batteries have died about a little over a week ago. I think I have lost a few since my halloween candy parent taxing, but I don't know. The scale takes these goofy batteries that I don't know where to find so I am working on that. And there is now where in public to strip to skin to weigh in so that will have to wait.  I will say my clothing is the smallest it's ever been.  *big toothy grin*  I am getting more comfortable with myself, I think I could still stand to loose a few though. I get a lot of complements from people, it's strange to hear someone who doesn't know me from before call me "tiny" it makes me want to school them on the last 4 years. I am not tiny, I am still over weight by a few pounds.

Friends? I have some of the best friends ever. As my life has gotten complicated my friends have extended their selves, just an example my  mom had to go to the hospital unexpected and 2 of my bffs ever each took turns sitting with my kids so I could be there with her until I knew she would be alright. It's hard when the hubbs is in the busy season and mom is usually my help. It was overwhelming how cared for I felt. I am lucky and thankful. (ps mom's all better now thank god).

I refuse to let this year end on a bad note. I may be going through a rough patch but I refuse to let it stay that way. I think this year needs to end on a high note and that friends is what I am working for. Insert cliche here about lemonade.  So Chins up, shoulders back, gut in, boobs out. Okay maybe boobs in. ;)
Onward friends.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

October's standings

Well, I am going to have to break my law of no whining because I don't think I would have a blog at this point.
 This month hit me like a freight train and kept going. After my last blog my entire house got the stomach flu, then after we all recovered I got a sinus infection. I did a round of antibiotics and a shot of steroids, then, my youngest child, 3 years old, had his tonsils out.  Now this child is sick most of the year and has had surgery once already, for some reason I felt like I could handle this situation at this point in my life figuring it couldn't be too much awful worse than the last one, I mean he was a lot younger right. Oh WRONG> wrong wrong! I was wayyyyyyy off. Yeah it was horrible. He's officially 15 days post op and he's still not right yet. I had to take him to the doctors last week for a horrible cough and the doctor gave him antibiotics and the news, both his ear tubes are out, meaning he may need more surgery, enough to make an adult cry.... In fact it did. I have only just within the last few days started to sleep straight through the night, I was tired, my major stress is my kids and their health, so yeah I broke down and squirted some emotion. He was so miserable, I expected about half of the level of intense sickie-ness. It's so hard to watch them suffer.
So I took about a week off work and I got zero done at my house. Its actually worse looking now since I was off. My mom did a few days in the hospital too on top of everything else I can say we ate food, we got our medicines in, and that's about it. My laundry is backed up so bad I fear it will never be done. 
With this happening I really haven't been myself. I have been worried, over tired, and now starting to get sad. I have been exercising when I get chances too but this last month its been few and far between. It's probably a good thing to preserve the energy as I heal further, although I am sure no injury has stuck with me. I really want to get back into my routine. As for goal setting for this year I want to get to my goal weight and get back in my routine! I miss it. I want the world to turn and sit upright again. I like sleep too, even 6 hours a night would be a treat and a half.
Right now I am home, cooking cleaning and taking a rare break to blog I am already over run with stuff to do, what is a few minutes? Really who gives a rats bum.