Thursday, November 1, 2012

October's standings

Well, I am going to have to break my law of no whining because I don't think I would have a blog at this point.
 This month hit me like a freight train and kept going. After my last blog my entire house got the stomach flu, then after we all recovered I got a sinus infection. I did a round of antibiotics and a shot of steroids, then, my youngest child, 3 years old, had his tonsils out.  Now this child is sick most of the year and has had surgery once already, for some reason I felt like I could handle this situation at this point in my life figuring it couldn't be too much awful worse than the last one, I mean he was a lot younger right. Oh WRONG> wrong wrong! I was wayyyyyyy off. Yeah it was horrible. He's officially 15 days post op and he's still not right yet. I had to take him to the doctors last week for a horrible cough and the doctor gave him antibiotics and the news, both his ear tubes are out, meaning he may need more surgery, enough to make an adult cry.... In fact it did. I have only just within the last few days started to sleep straight through the night, I was tired, my major stress is my kids and their health, so yeah I broke down and squirted some emotion. He was so miserable, I expected about half of the level of intense sickie-ness. It's so hard to watch them suffer.
So I took about a week off work and I got zero done at my house. Its actually worse looking now since I was off. My mom did a few days in the hospital too on top of everything else I can say we ate food, we got our medicines in, and that's about it. My laundry is backed up so bad I fear it will never be done. 
With this happening I really haven't been myself. I have been worried, over tired, and now starting to get sad. I have been exercising when I get chances too but this last month its been few and far between. It's probably a good thing to preserve the energy as I heal further, although I am sure no injury has stuck with me. I really want to get back into my routine. As for goal setting for this year I want to get to my goal weight and get back in my routine! I miss it. I want the world to turn and sit upright again. I like sleep too, even 6 hours a night would be a treat and a half.
Right now I am home, cooking cleaning and taking a rare break to blog I am already over run with stuff to do, what is a few minutes? Really who gives a rats bum.

1 comment:

  1. It will get better. I'm thinking of you, mama.
