Tuesday, November 20, 2012

For Unis*

I really don't want to talk about my life right now, we could just say I flew by the seat of my pants x7 that's my week. This is about Unis

Setting the scene to yikes 13 years ago to my first personal care job. My first real education on what bed side nursing actually was. I was 19 years old working 3-11 in a personal care  home. I guess because I some medical experience and I was in nursing school I gave off the impression I knew what I was doing. I really didn't train long, so I began my hands on education with people here. The nuts and bolts I knew, I understood medications and diagnosis but I didn't expect having a steady shift in a place like this meant getting to know people. This made me nervous, I was terrified.
It was easy for the most part, smile be on time and polite do what they need, except when it came to Unis. Unis had Alzheimers.  On my working area she was the only person with a cognitive problem, because that floor was not meant for those patients. Unis somehow remained in her same room as she progressed into her childlike state. She never tried to anywhere so the owners where statisfied with her room assingment. I had heard stories from the girl that trained me that Unis had struck her before, this woman was not petite either it, that made me nervous.  During my training I kept my distance, the girl precepting me was frustrated with trying to get her to get dressed for bed and take her medications, I was just in the way.
The First time I had charge of the area alone and it was time to take Unis to the dining hall she didn't want to go. But she wasn't a mean lady at all, what was I afraid of? Child like is exactly how I would describe her, her face sweet and innocent. My knee jerk reaction was to be a goof, and ask her to dance with me(I was scared). She smiled and showed me her dance frame pose. As we trotted around the room she sang a little nonsense song. I think right then I decided I would be hanging with her every chance I got. I some how got her to promanade to the dining hall and back.
As the year went on we laughed and sang through dinner and bed time through good days and bad days. Unis never took a swing at me. She taught me unconditional love. Unis didn't care if I was having a bad hair day, or if I my clothes didn't match. She couldn't remember what happened hour to hour but she knew my face and she trusted me. She changed me, the former stuck up young woman was now turning on lawrence welk in the common area on purpose so I could dance and sing as I passed the snacks at bedtime to my residents.  There were times I would get busted when someone came of the elevator and I had my arms extended and a leg in the air doing some silly to make someone smile it was totally worth being embarrassed.
After I left the personal care home to finish nursing school I got word that Unis died. I went to the funeral home and gave her family a rose. I only stayed for a minute, introduced myself to the family and I told them how much I loved her and I cried.
Unis still sticks with me. She taught me that joy and love can come out of anywhere. She popps in my head sometimes when I loose faith in people and it helps me to try a little harder.

Song for Unis: Alicia Keys, Girl On Fire

*unis is not the name of the real lady. 

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