Sunday, June 24, 2012

no shortcuts in longruns

So I have been FREAKING out lately. Somethings I need to just get over, others I am struggling with. I find myself not sleeping well, and the short runs definitely help but I was so psyched for my 12miler yesterday. For the sole purpose of just 2 and half short hours alone with me and maybe I could get some mental organizing/cleaning done or just go on auto pilot. The run did not disappoint, never does. I ran through the park twice and once around the track. I had a great time overall, I learned something yesterday from a series of events.
I kept thinking to myself I am a genius when I run. I have the best ideas they often are silly later. I was thinking wouldn't it be great to have a commercial with Eminem running with an ordinary person supporting them and even waiting at the portajohn then they could make it for mp3 players. Sometimes I feel like Eminem runs with me... sort of.. okay it was silly. It may already be a commercial I watch very little tv.  I spent too much time thinking of this 'genious' idea, distracted and over eager to be out I made mistake omega I did not hydrate early on. And this epic fail started at home before I had not purchase any other sport drink yet this year, I only had last years and it was 240 calories per scoop. So what did I do only take one scoop I needed more salt than that, but busy missyfailpants has not had a brain in her head this week and did the monotone 'I MUST RUN' thinking I would order it later and it wasn't too hot and I am fine what ever.
As the run progressed my stomach hurt about halfway, buy mile 9 I was forced to drop trow in a latrine. I don't like them, they are like 20 feet drops with toilet seats, and I am scared something will come up the hole and bite my bum. But after so long you know you won't make 3 more miles and you must evacuate or wear it. This is wear squats pay off from your workouts- they are your hover muscles. Thank god after 9 miles for squats. I bring this up because I am adding to the epic fail. 1 scoop sport drink extremely diluted, and now I am experiencing the wonderment of run-oh-rrhea. uh-oh.
I stayed pretty calm, I am in the middle of the park. I am about a mile and a half from my truck I only have about 3 left, and now I don't have to poop, I will make it, I had at least been eating gu through my run so I though I would be fine.
I made it back to the walking track caught up with a fellow runner talked about mile 4 of the great race for a brief minute I told him I had a half mile left and I was tired. As I said "my legs are killing me" both of my calfs took a dump. Cramped up double charelyhorse type cramping. I am quarter mile from the truck. I wince and walk to the truck. I get stretched, its not helping. I drive home pretty much openly groaning and swearing its bad. By the time I pull in I can hardly walk. I realized I need salt on the drive home. Doofus you sweat actual salt. I can't get that far with 1 scoop of sport drink and water and only drinking every 3 miles, but I tried..FAIL. So I hobble in the door, bust in the fridge and drink directly out of the pickles. I didn't like the taste I did a chug a lug. Then drank a vita coco and got in the ice bath, before I got out of the bath I felt the pain lift.
And that ladies and gentleman is what happens when you don't add enough salt and hydration to your summer long runs. Calories be damned you will be humbled.
This marathon runner could not finish 12. I made it 11.8 and could barely make it to the pickles. Hydrate. Eat. Poop. It's all  normal in a run if you try to save time to eliminate one you will pay, that's what I get for trying a short cut!

Song: Ben Folds Five, Where's The Summer B?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

my routine is kerfluked

I am still adjusting to everything with my new job, new child care situation, I even got a new car.
I miss you blog.
I have a 12 miler planned this weekend
planning on sitting on my duff afterward,

hoping to write a nice long update.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Things that I have learned

I am by no means an authority on running, or fitness. I am still overweight but I have learned a few things a long the way and I am sharing them. Especially if you are getting started from large and plan on becoming an ex-fatty (I consider myself) these are my  notes.
1. nobody cares. Honestly nobody is looking at you. Unless you exposing yourself indecently your clothes matter the most to you and only you. No reason to be embarrassed by exercising, especially at the gym. Tons of fat people go there, so do skinny people, they don't give a crap half of them are looking in the mirror at themselves anyway. 
2. tie that sh*t down.  Comfort clothes are for laying around and for people of walmart. If you are going to run or workout  do yourself a favor and wear something that fits. I have tried baggy stuff, it rides up, it catches on lumps and exaggerates them, and it falls down. In light of number one, nobody cares so buy something that will not move especially over high friction areas. Also if you have excess skin or a floppy belly, or boobs wear the right underwear. A high impact bra a size or two smaller than a comfortable one, and possibly a girdle. Yeah I still wear support, I got a lot of movement and I could put my back out really easily. You'll feel better under your clothes if your giblets aren't getting whiplash, maybe you won't care who's looking so much either.
3. never has to leave . If you can't be positive, you aren't going be be patient either. Learning to run takes patience. Dieting takes a long ass time too. If you say I could never run, you never will period. Congratulations you have painted yourself into a corner- don't do that. No one has the right to talk to you that way, why do you do it to yourself?
4. any effort is recognized. I was so ready to fight when I started running and working out. Thinking the fitter gym patrons thought I was lazy or not good enough, or the runners at my races thought I couldn't finish. They only feedback I ever got was a nod. There is a mutual respect, once you stick around and get to know people they are all just people and in most cases they are nicer than most people you meet. They had to start somewhere and they would never give you attitude for it. There is always going to be someone who thinks they are better than you anywhere, but the consensus is we are all friends.
5. surprising yourself is great. you will find you can do more than you ever dreamed. there is no better feeling than going a new distance, getting a new faster time, or trying something different and finding you like it. Why was I so afraid for so long?
6. you get old really fast and sometimes you don't have time for that. In my line of work I see a lot of people die. I see a lot of people suffer too. You don't know if you will have the use of your legs tomorrow period. Use them, there is a reason why your doctor tells you to exercise, it is the fountain of youth, and it keeps you out of trouble too!
7. if it's easy its probably evil. No more drive thru for anyone anymore. It's all garbage. If I falter one time and get something purely because its quick then I find myself having a hard time not eating everything in sight for a week. It's bad. There is unnatural crap in it. Make your own food. The least amount of processing it has the better. It also goes for training, slow and steady and scheduled wins the race. Don't just think you can run a 5k if you have never done it before, buy a book follow a schedule and buy shoes or expect pain and humbling. 
8. it really is all about the shoes. if you want to run for more than one run, go to a running store with a real runner and get your shoes checked. You may have a stride that can be corrected with shoes if you wear what ever pair was on sale you can probably expect shin splints, blisters, or even fractures are possible.
9. goop it. If you blister than grease your feet in your socks and sometimes on the outer sock as well. It's silly but it works. I do it all the time. Eucerin is my favorite.

10 track it. if you really need to loose a few pounds or you are training for something you should be tracking your calories. You have NO idea what you are eating even if you think it's healthy. you are going to be pissed when you find out 190 calories is 2 tsp of peanut butter. it has done so much for me and my training. If you run you need to replace at least half the calories burned to really keep loosing weight.

If any of my friends young, old, big, small, fit or unfit want to go for a run, just ask.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Where'd he go?

I have no mental gumption to think of a better title, my apologies.

So It's been a huge week or more since I blogged last. I have been super busy with work, kids, running, and stuff that I haven't had time to blog about it!

Darlington Derby happened June 2. My 3rd race-aversary! And momma PR-ed. I finally Broke 30 minutes with a time of 28:53! I truly love that race. My buddy, The Kenyan still in the lead with first place in our group, me I took second. Still smiling about it.
The day of the race was my second day of full liquid diet prep for my colonoscopy. I ran that race with coffee and ensure in the belly and that's all. I actually think it may have helped!
Pretty much after the race and the hunger miserableness set in my weekend went in the shitter, literally. No fun at all! Sunday was clear liquids and laxatives and I felt horrible. I laid around and whined when I wasn't in the oval office.
Monday I had my procedure. It wasn't so bad at all. If you need this done, the preps the worst part. But  I do have to say : Drugs are bad. I don't remember much of the day. I don't remember waking up and speaking with the doctor. My hubbs really doesn't remember that stuff and details so I have only vague ideas of the findings. I called my mom on the way home and I forgot. She was away and I thought she wasn't aware of the day so I called and left a voice mail later. Come to find out today we actually spoke.
Wednesday I worked through my birthday. It was a long day but a nice day.When I picked up the boys at the sitters they jumped out behind their couch with suprise and sang happy birthday, they made cupcakes for me. I got home around 6ish and came home to a card in my door and inside all my dishes done and flowers in my vase. Hubbs had to go but he cleaned first. I really felt loved.

Lots going on not nearly enough time to log it and blog it!