Wednesday, May 15, 2013

dreaming big.

So... you all know I have been one pound from my goal weight. Well I am not now. I am 160lbs. I gained. SOOOOO close, and I messed it up. Really I know I did it probably subconciously on purpose with a few extenuating circumstances: a marathon taper and mother natures wrath didn't help.  I force myself to be honest. For the longest time I couldn't find a reason to continue working at something hitting this goal, and keeping this blog. I have been zero-ing in on actually closing this blog to future posts because it didn't make sense to continue. In the meantime I have accepted all of this and backtracked a few ticks.

This will all be okay, I have a plan.

I am first going to bail out the extra poundage from the ship. Second I am going to accept reaching the goal when I reach it. Third I am going to start a new challenge. The new challenge...I am going to run an Ultra. I am looking at at 50k. A long time ago this seemed crazy, now I see this is something to shoot for. The race I have in mind takes place in March pretty close to home, that will give me plenty of time to train, get stronger, and possibly a little smaller(not too much). I think this is the umph I was looking for recently. Just searching for something to really commit to. I haven't worked out all the training yet, but basically it involves a full marathon distance in the training plan at least one run. This is all going to be winter distances too! CHALLENGE! Game on.

I am not closing my blog either, the thought of that bummed me out. Now I have a new reason to share, am an aspiring ultra runner there is going to be new things to learn and plenty of stories to write.



  1. Just wanted to comment I found your blog from and went back to your first blog in 2010 and read every blog since in the past couple of days. I am just starting to run, I started the Couch to 5k plan in March and then my grandmother died in mid April and I have been really busy but I just got the okay to do this from my doctor and I am starting again today May 16, Day 1 Week 1. I just felt like I needed inspiration to do this from some one that started out as heavy as me and so yes your blog is a big inspiration to me. I am 300 but I have new running shoes and socks and the weather has turned warm so I am motivated to get out there and just walk/jog/run whatever I can. I want to set my first goal to run a 5k by this fall. I am in Somerset PA so its good to find a fellow western PA blogger also. Their is a beautiful lakeside 5k course and since the weather will be cool and perfect for a run that will be my goal, Hey maybe I can do a local 10k this February and maybe a half sometime next year. But anyway keep up your blog I will be following it for sure and if your ever in Somerset PA let me know and we can run together.

  2. Hi!!!! This is just what I needed this morning!!! I have been feeling discouraged lately and then I came upon your blog. I have been feeling like giving up and just accepting that I AM FAT AND WILL ALWAYS BE FAT! But now I have new hope! I am NOT giving up on my dreams of being skinny and running races. I want to set a new PR on June 1st!!! It will take lots of confidence and determination. But I am going to do it! SO this morning I am putting on my running shoes and getting out there. Thanks for the inspiration!!!

  3. Wow new friends! I knew today was going to be a good day :) Thanks guys for reading me! I was feeling lazy today but I will be running today now too! LEsherick: you can do what ever you want to do girl, NO FEAR! Morningsun7: I know you can PR too, which one are you doing? I will be at the darlington derby, all down hill!!!!

  4. I think you just got two good reasons to keep blogging. :) Check out I may have mentioned Lora before, she ran the 50k BEFORE her first marathon. I'm going to recommend your blog to her as well. She was so encouraging to me as I tried to go beyond 26.2.
