Saturday, July 27, 2013

TAPS for P.I. Warmers.

I am  happy to report there has been no recurrence of migraine yet. Today I played smart. I was up at dawn for my 16. I was actually chilly enough to wear my arm warmers when I started cause the sun was just up. I was determined to not let it get ugly. I have been having some belly issues, and I really don't want or like food right now, but I was right on point with my fuels and hydrates and I even ate jerky every 5 miles.
This bellyache stayed with me the entire time. I eventually told it to wait in line, and ignored it. Until about mile 5. I had to go it would not be ignored any longer. It was a matter of asking myself did I want to spend the next 2 hours saying igottapoopigottaigottapoopgottapukeshootshootshooootme or did I want to just rip the bandaid off. I grabbed a portapotty it's foul, lets do this, quickly. I get done and there is no toilet paper. NO. 11 more miles left, expletive insert here. I look around and sigh, do I really want bumcrack chafe? Finaly snap decision I exit the porta potty one less pearl izumi arm warmer....really. Comfort is key, for days and days to come, another running first. If I told 6 years ago me that I would poop in a portapotty let alone, do what i did...I would get mad and walk away. Why do I share this? Because I am a little left of normal, not quite in the suburbs of nutty, and I thought it was funny.
I saw almost all my brady's run runner friends today. Saw some four mile crew,  I smacked Jenn on the butt before she saw me, and on the way to 14 Cherish popped out of nowhere said hello and really lifted my spirits.  I love that duck poop encrusted park, I feel peaceful there, its home. It's beautiful right now too. I took time to look up and around. A light rain came in around 14 and keep going until I finished, I actually thanked God out loud, he spoils me. I am healthy, legs feel great, and still in the game.
Attached is a picture of my first purple nail. This toe did not bother me at all during. It still is not tender, can't wait to see all the colors it turns. :) I am such a freak! 
Onward 16.5 done

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