Saturday, May 5, 2012

nurse at work

So I fell into a worm hole of not blogging for a few days. It's been BUSAY.

My kids adjusting? Well yes and no. They aren't super fans of leaving me by mid week. This is an odd week too I work my first weekend rotation they are kinda confused, but for the most part I miss them. I admit it's hard to give the reins on such an important job over to anyone(mom to my kids), it's always tough for me when they aren't right by me. So I've been recognizably under the radar, don't want to give any minutes over away from kiddie time, I have spectacular mom guilt.  By the time they are asleep I am too! Or exercising.
 I have decided for probably the duration of the summer I get up at 5am. That's when I've been running with skipp, in the dark. He's getting bigger and faster. I spend most of the run being towed yelling "SLOW DOWNNNNNN SKKKKKKIIIIPPPPPY". He poops out early though, probably good or I would end up late for work cause this is a sedentary job and I feel like a caged animal. It's cool though about the job, lots to learn, lots a work but do-able. I can train my butt off too then go sit on my butt and learn so more and do more paperwork, so when hubby's home I'm out at 515 killing it. I do have a treadmill for when the kids and me are alone, I do not prefer it but it's a way to sanity and extra attention span. So the distance end, not much right now, but very useful workouts. I am committed to weights once a week even if I can't make it to the preferred body pump class, but I think that has made a huge difference in my recent size difference. I don't enjoy the weight machines, but I do them, and I keep getting my geriatric butt on the captains chair too. So Manda's running and she's still a veggie eater reluctantly.

Here's a quick review of the last week and a half
1. worked a lot
2. learning stuff
3. missing kids
4. hit 162.8 for 1 day.
5. maiden family car cruise happened last weekend
6. regarding cruise children's excitement = husbands excitement...there is not an age buffer when it comes to cars that sound loud enough to be heard a half mile away.
7 new running kicks via Lloyd.
8. signing kid up for all day kindergarten tues...dread...
9. marathon's tomorrow....I won't be there....poop.
10. good luck Kenyan!!!!!!!!!!!
11 working a lot
12 missing kids
13 missing kids.
 14 missing blogging....

I am loving a new band fun.
I suggest a running song: Some nights, fun.

onward friends. love to my marathoners tomorrow.

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