Sunday, April 28, 2013

Am I a runner of steel?

7 days until the Pittsburgh half. I am blessed this year to be injury free, I have no excuse but to get my bum 50 thousand deep in crowd of runners and do it. I am a little bit clausterphobic so it should be interesting to keep pace in a herd. I really want to get to run the streets of the city though, especially the bridges just trying to focus on the 'once in a lifetime-ness' of it all. It's my first half marathon. (teeheehee)

I am all trained up as of today. My last long run was 6.4 miles today and it was really hard to stop. I admit to over training for this half marathon. The distance is 13.1, I have run 13 miles 3 times in the last month and a half. I really have to find another way to burn off stress. Today was one of the most perfect days for a run, it was slightly chilly and it started lightly raining, my favorite. I could have kept on forever. But I was good and I stopped when I was supposed to.

I am so busy these days I haven't had a lot of time to do much of anything, including blogging. This week we are juggling everything we usually do plus other insanely complex crap, we just threw a party yesterday I am pooped, I guess it's ok being in the taper now because I need to rest.  I just think of my life when I just did smaller workouts and the free time I could be having and it makes not being a marathoner look a little more attractive. Then I go and mutter out loud to someone yesterday I was going to run the full in Erie again this year. Yeah I think blew a fuse or something. I am pretty sure I am going to end up doing it, but I am still not signed up. After the marathon I may take a few weeks and just think about it. It's probably not a good idea, again, I probably will anyway.

T minus 7 days and counting.....I am still not at 155. I got on yesterday and it said 155, then error then 158. I didn't weigh in today that ticked me right off!  Also fun fact this blog is now currently 10121 views!!! Thank you my followers, you make me feel loved and supported.


1 comment:

  1. I'm claustrophobic too and race starts can be uncomfortable. It thins out eventually, though. Also, you'll be so nervous that that will be the least of your problems. :)

    Like you, I didn't get around to doing a half for awhile. 10k, 15 miles, 30k, marathon, THEN a 5k. 13.1 a year and a half later.
