Thursday, February 23, 2012

I don't know what my problem is

Well I just can't bring myself to measure this week, I feel kinda icky. I mean I am not gaining, I lost a pound even, but for some reason I don't want to know. I am getting annoyed by the routine. anyways. 20lbs to go. 175.4.
Things I noticed this week:
1. Its a bad idea to decide you have to pee after you put a gu in your mouth. It takes about 5 minutes for the flavor and sugar to get out of your mouth, so you are technically still eating a while after you swallow. Going into a porta-john for a nordic peepee is gross, let a lone with a faint taste of vanilla in your mouth. Its almost taking a bite of porta-potty if you will.
2. People are awful proud of themselves. For no reason, yet I can't take a complement to save my life.
3. Certain running clothes are just for running. I got new duds for the gym and for warmer running and wore the running capris to the gym for a combat class, they scooted all over the place, left me constantly adjusting myself. The moving comfort capris and awesome for running, for round house kicks they do the shimmy.
4. Somethings need to be said.
5. When you are prepared for something be prepared for it to not happen right away.
6. It drives me absolutely insane that I have been going to my gym for 2 years this the third year and I see the same people EVERY TIME and we aren't even on a name basis. I don't want to talk all day long, I don't want to know your business but I don't want to stare at you for hours a day the gym and not know you are Tom, or Frank, or Millicent.
7. I miss the great outdoors, I miss the road, and I am sick sick sick of the treadmill.
8. When your diet is in a healthy place and you are loosing you fart ALOT.  To my coworkers, I don't like to be alone but you want me to be! Again, can't wait to be outside to run.
9. It is not easy to keep aquarium fish alive. We have gone from 8 to 1. We call him the Lone Ranger.
10. I am so ready for a race. I miss it. I got one coming up and I'm getting ready.

I am sore today, getting a massage. For the newb readers, it's not a super zen special. It's a dude inflicting pain to benefit my running. It's painful I have cried during one before, it takes pain to cure pain though and it is why I put it off!!!!

Song I've been running with lately I'm not super proud of:
The Bitch Went Nuts, Ben Folds
(it's um explicit, but fun)

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