Monday, February 27, 2012

I welcome it, sort of.

Well this morning my oldest woke up with a "Mommy I'm sick". And then the youngest came out of bed with booger fangs. Well of course I did my typical mom panic, oh dear what now? But so far it's not hideous illness, and I do feel bad for the little boogers, and trust me I DON'T WANT IT.
I did an 8 mile treadmill run on Saturday, I have been busting my butt at the gym. The workouts have morphed in to these beastly one hour sweats. I am in my house with tennis shoes on because my feet hurt on the ceramic tile. I am over doing it even at just 5 days a week. The reason I know, aside from my normal 'poor baby' mom with the kids illness, I was glad to have a reason to rest. Yes ridiculous.  In fact my throat hurts a little and I'm not going to mentally implode at all. It's okay I just hope we get through it all quick and safe.( Big change from last year all I did was whine about the kids getting bugs and not being able to do enough.)
And since I changed my calories to 1200 a day I lost 1 pound and then I started getting super hungry, I ate back all my exercise calories and yesterday I cheated. I had a milkshake. I do go over once a week on purpose but it felt like a deep down need. It's because 1200 calories is not enough. I will confess to eating sport beans in the locker room at the gym because I was seeing blobs, or felt shaky. I was probably in starvation mode. I don't want anyone to worry I knew it was stupid and I will not last long on stupidity. Also probably why I'm not fighting the kiddie crud this time.
When I do wear my nifty little fitness monitor It says I am burning around 700 calories just walking around and that's without the exercise. I set my diet settings to loose 1.5 pounds a week and it gave me 1400 calories. Now that I can do, in fact I can shoot for less but when this monster is starving I get dirty diet cheating thoughts because I am never satisfied.
 I am still keeping up with everything, but I am keeping up at a pace that will ensure I am still successful. Slips don't do anything for progress. 20 to go.
I am still on schedule for the marathon. I am not sure how the training will affect everything. I remain optimistic.
weight still 175.4 I haven't gotten my measuring tape out in weeks, I must find time for that. But for now it's Disney movies, Popsicles, and Clorox wipes for this momma today.
Onward Friends.

1 comment:

  1. You are so awesome and I'm so proud of you! Only 20 to go - that's AWESOME! WTG! Get everyone well and I hope you stay well!
