Thursday, March 29, 2012


Well I saw my favorite Dr. S today. And I have to have another test, . I am still having issues. Causing me to have some trouble eating and pain.. I have a little temp too so I am not all about the exercise it's been a week almost since I have done anything physical besides my job at work. I have been puttering around like a lump of crap really. I am not sure what's going to happen with my diet/weight-loss/progress, part of me is  a little worried but the other part doesn't give a darn. Now I know something's wrong, miss don't hesitate to run on antibiotics can't seem to find the will to move at all. I hope this gets better I have to wait another week for this test. I soooo don't have time for this right now, the marathon half is out, but also professionally I was just getting back into working more, hoping this blows over and the result is manageable or something that disappears.

1 comment:

  1. weight today 166.4, i guess it's not hurting progress....I am not happy though, I feel like poop
