Wednesday, July 4, 2012

void of brain

Lately I have been trying to keep up with life. Sometimes I get overwhelmed and spin my wheels and evntually I start botching stuff up. This has started a serious of events...these are only a few that I can gather in one sitting.
It started with a footstep really. A footstep on a creaky floorboard in one of my patient's houses. That hurried unplanned step some how made a 2liter bottle of root beer to fall off a table and crack open and spray everywhere. By everywhere I mean 10 foot mushroom cloud including ceiling, yep oh sheeet.
Sometimes I feel like I am on Candid Camera, it really is funny but I am still embarrassed. Just getting to the houses at work from my car I have been tripping and dropping things. It's not my favorite to be unfamiliar with stuff. I like to be in control it's hard for me to learn new things and meet new friends. At work someone said that magic erasers where coming out with a mop I actually said really loudly "SHUT THE FA" i wanted to say shut the front door but I almost said a office no no word when I really didn't want to. I really wanted to just shrivel up and die. This is the same group of ladies around that where there when I accidentally shut the light off on my boss while she was using the ladies room.  I love a good laugh but I like to be the one telling the joke not being the joke.

 Then a particular doosy last week during my 14 miler, my mp3 player stopped working, or so I thought halfway through the run. What I did was stuff if in my fuel belt and keep going. I finished my run, in 7 miles of silence. I kept thinking to myself how nice it would be to slap myself in the face for sweating on it too much and breaking it. I was so angry and irritated, long runs up and down the same old road get old fast without tunes. When I got done, turned in my player to my husband and he happily reports to me that it still works and I won't need a new one. Really????! yes really I could of had tune-age.
Most recently yesterday taking my kids to daycare I completely drove past the exit and had to continue and turn around and backtrack. Then after a really strange day full of blunders and bloopers I fell asleep until I heard thunder. I woke up to the rain and realized the sunroof was open on my adorable little bug car and was full of water. NOOOOOOOO. I cried for a good while before I could go back to sleep.
I feel lost. I feel busy. I am just trying to get my bearings, I don't know why I feel so panicked. Someone asked if I should let the marathon training go for now. My answer is no. It's probably only thing right now that I cling to as normal and the one place I can go to if I want to visit my happy self. So there. I may not always be blogging, but as long as I can I will be running, and I thank god for that.

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