Thursday, December 27, 2012

a long december

I am not just being a shameless Counting Crows fan it has been. I am never been so sick in recent history. I know I whine about illness because it stops the endorphin train because I must rest and I have become dependent on this usually but I willing rested until today. I was so sick I faithfully took all the medications I loathe even my singulair that makes me pee my pants and worry at lot more than I like. Breathing is more important sometimes. Through all this I missed 3 days of work, and my son's Christmas pageant at school. I worked the day after my marathon for 12 hours, this girl doesn't do sick and helpless. I thought I may have to be put in the hospital a few days it was terrible. The boys both struggled with illness too it was the real deal and I haven't protested I have submitted and did everything I was told.
I am sort of feeling better and getting antsy. I am going back to the gym but I doubt it will be running. How much fun would it be if I hacked up a lung in public? Low impact at least I am waiting for hubbs to finished plowing our driveway so I can bust out the door. Happy for small victories.

I've had some interesting professional developments that I will sharing soon. I am pretty excited and a tiny bit sad too. Its time to go back to work full time. A change in our family that has gradually been happening all year and its time to rip the bandaid off. I have faith that I can make it through this and achieve balance but I have put on the blinders for one day at a time because I know I'm a huge freak and I will not let myself ruin months of my life until I relax. I am not even sharing it all yet, baby steps....
This year New Years Eve ends a chapter in my life, and Next year 2013 will be new and exciting. I set out for peace, and balance, somehow I feel it may actually happen.

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