Sunday, August 25, 2013


I surely did complete my 20 miler yesterday. I did enjoy myself too. The days highlights included a near heart attack when In a portapotty realizing that the rock in the crack between the door and the floor had a eye and was staring at ME! I am pretty sure that was a snake, that's right I not only do I run 20 milers; I look a snake right in the eye and then fling my self out of a porta john not quite all the way dressed to find a biker smoking a cigarette and waiting his turn. Yep then I very coolly tied my skapri and trotted off, like I just always do that. Never mind the next 10 minutes of mental holy shit thoughts, I am a pro.
 I ended this run at 20.39 and I had serious doubts about being super prepared for Erie. Something was just not making sense, not adding up. I thought I planned at 22 miler. I feel better trained then, why didn't i do that? At inopportune times I was thinking of this, like in bed trying to sleep, or at work not near a calendar or my schedule, I would just dust it off and think it's just another manda spazz, this is fun remember?- leave it alone.   Well I was right. I was wrong! It is 3 freaking weeks to the day from today. I did my longest run too early. I CANT believe myself. I did a 20 miler too early. Endurance leaves you 2 weeks from last exertion. Ladies and Gentlemen you should never do a 4.5 hour run with out being very very very meticulous. Really I was. I did everything correct. I just did it a week early. Mom always comes last- I should be so lucky to just still be training, so many women I know don't have a hobby or even peace time, I am trying to not beat myself up too much.  My boys ARE ready for school to start this week, and so am I. I have been so worried about that. And we are going camping again before the race, girl has lists longer than the days of things to do, and I have to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night for 3 weeks, it's a must.
So the plan is, a 22 this weekend, either Friday or Monday. Against my philosophy completely. I don't like longs back to back, this is inviting my creative ways for problems. Adding drama to the plot, "will she or won't she" ( da da dahhhhh-soap opera organ) I am healthy at the moment. I do feel my left buttcheek/hip area and have since about 17 miles, but I was impressed with how well I felt, toes aren't beat up, I am up and down stairs doing laundry today- no Rocky theme needed. I feel fine. And my weight! It's 162 this am. I maintained my starting weight, that means I am not puffed, I usually gain like 8 pounds. That's weird.  Not really sure what to make of all this. I do think it's time for some nasty foam roller sessions, urgh. I am going to really just calm the hell down.

This is fun- keep it in mind.
Time for more shoes.

1 comment:

  1. You made me drag out my calendar. My long run before Pittsburgh '13 was a 50k. So....

    31 miles on March 23rd. Marathon was 6 weeks later. The longest run I did in between was 10 miles. I did several 9 milers, mostly shorter runs, a couple of races (a 5k, a 5k/10k). And I not only finished the marathon, but PR'd by over 40 minutes.

    I don't think you are going to lose endurance in 3 weeks. The only thing I would have done different is train to 22 miles, that worked better for me than 20, but too late for that now. Everybody is different anyway. You'll make it. Your only real problem is not letting the idea that you peaked too soon mess with your head.
