Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012 stats

I didn't weigh in last week so measurements are 2 weeks difference. We had Christmas, and the week Hubbs has been off I have either ran out doors or done nothing, no strength training. I
This week on Thursday, I fell down on on black ice with Skip. He's okay his collar snapped off and he didn't get hurt. I hit my butt, obviously bounced onto my right knee. I skinned my knee for the first time since I was like 8 years old. It was through my tights so at least I didn't get the pleasure of picking rocks out but there is definitely rock marks there. Its black and blue so Friday I rested and worked instead, Saturday I did 40 on elliptical and then went to work, and today I fear I don't have time, I have to get ready for work in like 25 minutes and my kids are missing me. Probably okay to let this be a rest day, I work therefore I am moving a lot, and my knee is bruised. Not inside just outside, and the scab hasn't really set yet so when I deep bend I feel it open again.
The scale has been a tease this week. I hit 186 after Christmas, and now I am up 2 pounds. I have been watching my calories, I do feel maybe I have been a little to lenient on my calories, although staying within my projected amount, I have been eating most of my exercised calories this week. I do feel a little GI trouble that I am not going to ruin your brain cloud with. Lets just say the term food baby comes to mind....
I have been getting a lot of complements lately, and its nice to hear but maybe, I need to not listen, I let to much food in this week and now I am paying the price. Todays a clean slate, and I am not letting this one get away. 
Here's my stats they go neck arms left to right, chest, ribs, waist, floppy belly, butt, thighs left to right, calfs left to right, upper knee left to right,

12/18/2011 1/1/2012
13 13
12.5 12.25
12.5 12.25
39.5 39
34.5 34.5
32.5 32.5
37.75 37
42.5 42.5
25 24.75
24.5 24.5
17 16.75
17.5 17
21 21
21.5 21
351.25 348

total lost 3.25 inches

Current weight 188.4

down 3.4 since last stats, up 2 since 186 though :(

IT's a new year friends, Onward, And Happy New Year!

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