Monday, October 3, 2011


Well saw Dr. C again today. It's kinda silly that you can call your ortho and get right in because you have been there in the the last couple of months! But, also awesome, I have already been seen! He looked at my films and disagrees with the previous opinion. Not a stress fracture, more like a bone bruise.
I explained that I am only 15 days post marathon, that my leg hasn't felt right since.
He pretty much stopped me right there and said that I beat myself up and the best thing I could do was rest no matter what it was. He told me to rest a month, then if pain continues to come back and he'll get me a bone scan. I was totally in favor of what he had to say. I can still do my job once I can get shoes on again- mama needs to buy chicken nuggets for her rugrats, thank god. Before he shut the door he smiled at me and said "congratulations".
So I go back to work this weekend. As for exercising he did tell me to take it easy. I won't be doing any impact anything. This week I don't feel good enough to really do anything. Next week if I feel better maybe I could just do some yoga or something. I won't continue to hurt myself, I know I will end up back there again. I will have to do something for exercise even if its just one legged push ups or sit ups and things like that, I don't want to start feeling depressed.
As for diet I am officially in Gestapo mode. I am not eating more than my portion and I am not eating anything I can't burn off sitting around doing my normal thing. I am not gaining an ounce- I FLAT OUT REFUSE.
I am a little frustrated, but I very thankful for my 9 lives type luck. Really we all know I weigh a lot and its not a heavy person sport, getting hurt even for small people is inevitable. I feel relieved to not have a worse injury and that my stubbornassiness didn't affect my family(income/mechanics). I really do have to say I am truly blessed, and will listen to those saner than myself this time(for 30 whole days).

Mr. Roboto, Styx
(don't laugh its a good song!)

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