Saturday, December 17, 2011

the streak continueth

Oh well, yeah we'll call this one the goob streak. I am having an interesting week. Everything is getting done, I just feel less than normal, or maybe we could say like a giant goober. Yesterday I rested, I didn't feel well at all, and sometimes I get more tired than others, that would be this week. Today I was determined to have my long day hell or high water.
It was not easy to get out the door, considering I threw up a little in my mouth while I was tying my shoes. I felt like a snake skin, dry and afraid a breeze might just blow me away. I still went down to the track. Put my tunes on, and just mustered a shuffle. I soon got too hot. I ditched my gloves and vest. At mile 3 I felt like giving up and declaring it a long day for pms. Then it started to pretty snow, I went to the truck and fished out and ancient GU from under my truck seat and ate it. I was thinking I'll just walk until I can't do much more. I eventually found myself running again. I did have to take more stops than I wanted to but I managed 6miles. I love the way snow feels on my eyelashes.
The last quarter mile was part of the goob streak. I was finally feeling it, the end of the tunnel was in reach. So I give my nose a good snort to the right and turn my head to the left and snort then OH MY LORD. Someone was coming up on my 7 I tagged them. Yep that's part of the goob streak. The horror of actually snot rocketing another person! Then I felt so embarrassed the diarrhea of the mouth starts...."I'm sorry, gawd I did that to my puppy dog last week too!" I feel the need to run faster try and pass, and I can't so what do I do? I continue to speak goob " You know Lloyds has a running group on Tuesdays at 6pm in Beaver...." I go on about how nice and lit the town is at night, and the distance and the paces. Not only did I embarrass the crap out of myself, I let them know where they can find me again. So at this point I decide to shut up, I had taken my ear bud out, I could hear the next song blaring I know they could hear it too, ABBA, Dancing Queen. Now I really just feel like the epitome of cool right? I smack my left deltoid to pause my music, I truly am still looking for that cozy rock to crawl under.  Finally end of the line, I am done they keep going thank goodness. Honestly why oh WHY did it half to be other runners I snot on? That was a first, I have never rocketed a human before.
I guess I need to yank the perspective back here. I did have a good week. I finished my Christmas shopping. I was fortunate to have the money for those things. I have a warm home to go to and let messes pile up in. I have a heart that pumps blood. Lungs that breath. Legs to make me feel like flying. Wonderful family, beautiful children. Love to spare. A dog or three to snort my mucous on too.  I thank god for all this and more.
I am off to work in a little while, I am not talking AT ALL unless spoken too.

Abba, Dancing Queen

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