Saturday, December 10, 2011

This weeks highlights

So this week has been busy as most weeks of my life. Starting with Sunday, I took a rest day and dragged my butt around my job later in the day. I felt so tired and discouraged.
Monday I did 36minutes of eliptical, feeling much better.
Tuesday night the Kenyan and I met up at Lloyds and ran with the group. This group doesn't have a name yet it was the first meeting. Lots of fasties there, and lots of walkers, not many middle of the road people like me. I actually at one point went to get my tunes because I didn't want anyone to straggle with me when I know I'm not fast enough. The Kenyan ended up going with me, no tunes needed we yapped the entire time. It was really fun and it didn't feel long or like a lot of work at all. I state this because no one brought a garmin. We didn't know the exact distance or time. The Kenyan guess is 30 minutes and according to, the route we took was 3.61 miles, that's a pace of 8.3/m! I really want to meet up again and do the same thing so I can check my garmin after, because if this is true that's a PR for 5k distance for me, but I am having a hard time believing. So of course that cheered me up. And at this point in the week the scale begins to tip in my favor.
Wednesday I did body pump, I felt sore in the legs before we even started.
Thursday I did Biggest Looser Cardio Max DVD for 50 minutes, decided to hold the run I still had a sore achilles, thinking this wold be an easier choice. I forgot that dvd is all squats and lunges, I got a decent sweat in anyways.
Friday I had the privileged of Hubbs being home for the day so I took skip for a 30 minute walk/run. The pup is getting faster and he doesn't like to slow down. I didn't even take proper shoes thinking just a simple walk up hills for 'cise um well we ended up running. Then in the evening it was date night. We didn't have much luck with dinner I was trying to stay in my calorie goal and I was on my phone like an ass trying to look up calories. I got a dinner salad, vinegar and oil no croutons, and a senior portion spaghetti. Well luckily spaghetti was rubbery so I ate a 4th of it. Hubbs gave me a quarter of his rueben we counted it our 150cals. Dessert was a 60 cal tootsie pop. We ended up in the mall with every other human being in Beaver County. I ran into someone from my previous job, whom I haven't seen in a year. She was asking about the usual, how you been, hows the kids type conversation. I couldn't help but notice the once over look more than once. She did say I looked different but I could tell it was a big difference for her. Then we saw some atheletic tees on sale and ryan had me try on the extra large and said "try the next size down that's a little big" so I put on a large an it fits. I have noticed with most of my clothes getting bigger, I think I have go down a letter size to a large now. =).
Today I did 5miles at the track alone. I did 5 in 59minutes. Pretty good for an easy 5 for this girl.  Got the salty cheeks on my face again, yuk.
Tomorrow I am resting. I know the streak is really good for weight loss, but I am having some soreness issues. I picked Sunday so I can go to church with my family before I have to hurry off to work.  It really helped taking a day off last week, and I am going to make it a habit.

Thankful to be able to get my workouts done, and my normal busy-mess over with. Christmas shopping errands, children juggling, food cooking and such-its intense and I am so happy I have been lucky enough to find the time. My little one has started potty training too, tugging at my heart stings and my nerves at the same time. Look out for tomorrows stats!

Snowman, The Clarks

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