Thursday, June 24, 2010

who is this girl

I know I said I only can run in the gym.... well now I really don't want to go run indoors if its nice. I feel really different in my new magic shoes and I really enjoy the sunshine and um bugs flying in my face.
Tuesday night after my awesome run, I got in my truck wiped several times with my purple smelly towel drank the rest of my water, and drove home. I stopped my truck in the driveway, I turned it off and looked down to take off my seatbelt, there was a fricken slug on my shirt dead center in between my boobs! Naturally I screamed, freaked, almost forgot to put on the brake ran in the house, holding my shirt away from myself to find ryan. Ryan of course thinks this is hilarious and takes it off of me and then procedes to taunt me with it....Not much a nature girl here.
I don't know what happened but I am just enjoying running on the track, ok maybe I do know what it is.... Last year I started out at that trail walking and like I said before I could barely get around once just walking now I am slow but I am running. Poof. Instant motivation, right now its working. Maybe its a good thing to take some time out of the gym breath different air, stop staring at the "gun show" boys and just fly(figuratively speaking).
Hope its not raining tonight or I will be forced to hit the gym. It probably will since I am saying how much I am enjoying the change....

1 comment:

  1. taunted you with the slug? c'mon. Ok maybe just a little, but Miles wanted to see the bug ;)
    I am so glad you're not running on bloody stumps now, and you're looking pretty damn good too.
    Love ya,
