Saturday, November 19, 2011

Saturday run part 2: The Champ

So after I dropped off Skip I went down to the track to finish my 5. I have been noticing the walkers more as it gets colder because there isn't many. Last week, there was a man a quarter mile a head of me walking for 5 miles. I would get close then I would have to get a drink or run to the truck, I never did pass him, that's because he's pretty fast for a walker.
Let me tell you about this man, nicknamed The Champ. He hauls ass. And his left arm is flaccid. Yeah its obvious he has hemiparesis from a past stroke. Just watching him go and go and go for 5 miles with out a drink, or a break and keep up the pace is inspiring. Then when you get close, you see his battle scar, and hes just that much more of a badass. He appears to be about my dad's age. I can see from afar what this man is doing, he is taking back his life. I find him to be pretty damn tough, he got a bad blow and most would give up and he's not. That's why he's The Champ.
Today the busted my ass and skipped a water stop to catch up with him, and I told him that he is just as fast a chubby runner and that I was proud of him. Later I stopped to walk and there he goes passing me again. I caught back up again and told him "ya know they have *puff* walkers divisions *puff* in marathons". He goes on to tell me he walks 7 miles 4 days a week! And that he didn't know that they have race divisions for walkers. That is really impressive.
There is beauty everywhere if you just look around and pay attention. The walking lane at the track belongs to The Champ.

Song for the The Champ:
Foo Fighters, Walk

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