Wednesday, May 4, 2011

encouraged and going crazy

my legs are feeling pretty normal again. I however did not run today and am not going to, trying to get the maximum benefit out of my difficult investment of rest. Translation: now that it feels better I don't want to kuk it up again because I HATE REST DAYS.I cannot say I haven't trotted across my kitchen just to gauge how I'm feeling though.... :)
I bought compression leg sleeves I ended up going with a neon pink. Figured why not look like a dork to my fullest potential all the time? Well I get them paid for then get an email they don't make my size in that color. Well they sure as hell took my money. Now cough up some damn neon pink leg sleeves. Well I ended up with black ones because in some stores you are only allowed to be cool if you are skinny. My legs are oddly shaped, 16 inches from ankle to knee and 18 inches around the calf. Yeah I got guns. I don't like sticking out but if I have to wear this awful school girlish looking things i want to stand out. You know if you have to be a sorethumb you might as well be the worst! I will not be repeating a purchase from that company I will find my crazy colors. I will only use the black ones for training and injury prevention for now.  I didn't demand my money back because they happen to be like the #1 sleeve and I need them for training or I just might have. I did, however include a nasty gram: you should really get some patterns and more colors for larger people. "clydesdale' runners are taking over, and usually like crazy color. I didn't get any extra response out of that note.

Today I don't have any extra kick ass, both of my boys have double ear infections now. I am getting my ass kicked on all fronts. Had this been a different day, Corey the person filling my order would have had his ass handed to him. But I still have to hydrate my youngins, keep happy and afebrile, and start packing for the fabulous Fink-cation.

Break Stuff, Limp Bizkit


  1. Maybe you can bedazzle them. Of Puffy Paint. ;-)

  2. bedazzle lol! I think that may chaffe. But you are on to the paint. what if i silk screen the backs truffle on one side, shuffle on the other! :)

  3. There's your million dollar idea!
