Monday, May 16, 2011

She's BAaaack

We got back from vacation yesterday at 4am. We had a great time. Needless to say I behaved and did not run the 10k. I felt completely fine but I rested. That was tough for me. Being at the board walk on the beach everytime I looked out the window of the room or looked up at the beach someone was running. Not me :(. But I was a good girl and managed to not bitch about it pretty much at all until we got to Richmond where the race was to take place. Even hubby said he was impressed about how much I didn't whine about needing to run. We enjoyed each other, and were blissfully tired. Traveling with 2 small children is challenging. attached is a pic from vacation, I wanted to scream but I thought it might eat me.

Side note. My little one will have a cat scan june 2. And tentative surgery on the 6th. Please pray for our family. Needless to say warrior dash is out. I am not going out of town in the middle of all that. I will be wanting to be hovering over my child. I am thinking of doing the Darlington Derby again, its the same day. Might as well, see how far I've come. So right now, that's the plan. Doc may do surgery sooner than that once he gets Ct scan done, so its all up in the air. Definately no gym dacare until this is all sorted out. Cross training will have to get creative until this over wierd times, or basement fun if it's not possible to get a sitter.

So This morning after getting a full night's sleep with no 2 year old punching and kicking me all night I got up at 5:30 to test out the legs. Went to the track where its flat and crossed myself. Good news that spot didn't hurt. I felt a little pulling in my calfs in both legs but no pain! WOOOHOOO. I did't push it though, only did 3. The rest of my body was confused but happy. I had a hard time with my posture. I need to straighten up and do some ab work. I will only do another 3 on my long day, 4 max. Then saturday I have a 5k. I will not be trying to PR. Just keeping leggies happy this summer.

Happy to be back!
Song: Fantastic Voyage, Coolio

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