Sunday, August 14, 2011

more about the appointment.

Since I am just getting a chance i'll tell you about the doc. Dr. C from Kenya (Ellwood City) an ortho sports medicine doctor is who I went to see on Friday. I felt like crying when I signed in. Its so hard for me to actually say, this hurts, I can't run, with out tears. So I think I did good getting through the intial interview with the assistant. Then she moved me over for an xray. In that waiting room I felt tears well up in my lids and I did the psycho blink and wave when nobody could see me. Then I was escorted back for an xray. 3 separate views. Thinking wow its probably really messed up. I was expecting something horrible. I got back to the exam room and the assistant asked me to actually sit on the table instead of the chair and I started sweating. I heard the doc on the other side of the wall looking at my xrays on the computer and I heard "WHAA...Aaaat? What she doing here?"paper ruffling muffled talking"OOOh I see". He comes in shakes my hand and asked me what's going on. I tell him I am training for a marathon and I hurt myself during a 16mile run. He asked how long I had been working on it, how many miles a week. Then he examined me, told me my quad was tight and listened to me talk about the pain when and where and how, and about my opinion on what it was. I was right. He said " I am not going to tell you to stop. I won't even make you do PT if you do your stretching right and and take care of yourself. ."
Now it goes with out saying that I was ready to throw down with him. I was ready to defend my runners spirit inside this sack of flab. He never said a word about that. And I was ready for him to tell me the race was over. He didn't. I still don't understand it. But I like the guy.
I did ask questions. My number one question, I want to be able to chase  my kids, and keep up forever. He told me not a longterm injury. Not even one that would lead to deterioration, just a shitload of discomfort. He had never seen an IT band running strap, but I showed him mine, I had it in my purse, he said to try it. He said if the massage helps to keep going.
Fort the record, my voice may have cracked during my rant, but I was a big girl and I didn't cry. Mainly because I was shocked that my XRays didn't show my leg fell off, and also because he thought I should be able to keep going. I am thinking...oh boy now what? How will I change the schedule...? This will be a hail Mary now.
I went for a massage Friday night, and I am going back next Friday. I have been stretching religiously since then. I must confess I spent my Saturday morning in my car. I went to a farther away running store just for a second opinion on my shoes, just to make sure I was in the right pair. I was told they were right on the money. Not that I didn't trust Lloyd but I knew that this other place had shoe inserts he didn't sell...and I wanted to make sure I asked as many people as possible, this is pain, we want it to go away so we dig for answers. But I'm still a Lloyd's girl.
At work last night I was pretty busy, every chance I got on the stairs I walked down and up the to strengthen. I was stretching in the bathroom when in there to not receive the "eyebrow".
Tomorrow I am running for the first time in 7 days. I am praying. Just praying.
Trying to remember that this could be so much worse and no matter what it will not be the end of the world. So I am going to resolve to relax and just give it my toughest try. That's all I can do.

Journey, Don't Stop Believing

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