Monday, August 1, 2011

Shh-IT band

So I didn't run saturday. I took a rest because my knee although not in constant pain, was still making me aware of it. I wanted to conserve and heal a bit. On sunday, I began my rest induced panic and eventually broke down and asked for help. I consulted my sister in law the therapist- as we read on don't we see the pattern? Ha. I get a little hurt, I don't talk about it, I go nuts, I breakdown and tell her, and she gives me advice. I also consulted my running friends, who are awesome, I am suprised at this stage of the game they even want to talk to me, I am sick of me really. Everyone is so good to me, I really have a good support system. Turns out the knee pain is IT band syndrome. Its from over use but there are things to help it. First I got my foam roller, 20 dollar mega pool noodle of sorts. looks to be a pretty benign P.O.S., that is until you use it. The first time I used it, I almost threw up, that hurts and then when you stand up you feel pretty normal for awhile. Apparently I am so tight I will be spending a lot of time on the glorified noodle. I am reading about all of this garbage still, but I did see this is a runable injury, it just takes care and finesse. I am going to make an appointment for a massage, I need someone to hurt me good and hard. And I will be doing wieght training to get stronger, I have been a little lax about it lately because I keep gaining weight, I am feeling a bit stoopid now, duh.
 I ran today first time since wednesday and my knee. I did 3 very conservative miles. I didn't have my garmin turned on cause the battery died, didn't realize until it was time to take off so I took it for a run for fashion only. I stuck to the track because its pretty flat and that's one thing I read about IT band. I went both ways for the even wear feel. I got a lot of disaproving wrinkly faces- you know there is no posted signs about a direction so get over it! Seriously I will do everything I have to do to prevent pain, so save your energy and go eat some prunes. I felt my knee the whole way but it wasn't a hurting feeling more like a tightness. By the time I completed 3 I felt really good and wanted to keep on going but I felt being conservative is more responsible until I stretch it more and get a massage and read a bit more, after all I am scheduled 8 wednesday.
I am encouraged that this is something manageable.*implied- Serenity Prayer*

Jason Mraz, Sunshine Song


  1. EWwwwww I had ITBS once. It's PAINFUL! That foam roller should definitely help! And ice. But the foam roller is my best friend when I'm training. You know, the best friend that you HATE but you can't seem to live without. Hope it feels better soon!

  2. Do you still have your massage coupon from your Charlotte's Run runner's bag? It's for Russ Medical Massage in Beaver and they are awesome! None of the fru fru new age shit, just some guy working out your kinks. I'm pretty sure it was for at least half off, if not a free massage.

    I'm scheduling one soon because all the dancing I was doing for my show killed my back.

  3. Thanks guys. and Leanne, I went to Russ's last night I didn't have a coupon but they discounted me anyways. I feel a shitload better, and I will be back next week after 18 for sheez!
