Saturday, March 12, 2011

Damn theses ears

So I'm sick. Ear/ sinus infection. 100 fever yesterday. Not only did I wimp through 27 minutes of stupidity starting to feel it coming on, now I have missed another training run. I am on antibiotics. At least I can understand the weakness part of how I was feeling I was starting to think I was punking out. Anyways I am just waiting to get out there agian. Long day has been moved to wednesday. Thankful for a commintment from my already over scheduled mother to help. That was awesome mom. Thanks it means the most.
I have been spewing the news out to everyone about my commitment to the marathon and I got one of 4 reactions. 1. the reaction I wanted: WOW YEAH AMANDA thats awesome good for you! 2. The "you're crazy" reaction. -they don't say much but they are judging you on all levels and sizing you up, looking for your face on mugshot monday in the paper from now on. 3. They don't know what it is, what it means, and think maybe you're crazy and full of yourself. and 4. The Yeah right reaction-they think you are nuts and you'll kill yourself trying and then quit. I have decided now that I am just not going to talk about it much. Maybe even not so much on Facebook... Because maybe I might be being an ass about it. I am really nervous and excited, I am dealing with that and trying to move on. I'll just keep on keeping to myself. So I don't know what I expected anouncing the marathon, but the result was NBD. (no big deal) so we train and we move on and we talk about it only when asked about it.
Song: Ben Folds, Philosophy


  1. You can talk to me anytime about it! :)

  2. Never feel bad about talking about your training! You will always have nay-sayers. Only runners really "get it!" Be proud of your accomplishments! You've earned it
