Monday, March 28, 2011

Nike + love hate relationship is dipping south

ARRRHHHGHGHGHGHGH. I really didn't feel like gyming it today for my run but I went. I feel fat and nasty because us girls just do sometimes but i went. I gave it what I had and I was pretty fast today, infact my crappy weekend at work helps my speed. I beat up the treadmil good. Look down nike plus actually went backwards on mileage. then never turned off! So when I take it out to sync it, my pace is 73:28. What the hell did i bother for? I knew it wasn't going to work but Ryan trying securing my bean pod better to my shoe on the asics, and honey yeah that doesn't work either so BUY ME A GARMIN> pretty please. I like my gym didn't want to be thrown out so I didn't rip off my nike band and wip it out onto the floor at someone. I never thought I would become a gadget snob but I think I just did. The run was awesome I want credit for it damn it. It was 50 minutes, over 4 miles maybe 5 but those treadies aren't correct at the gym either.
My new asics actually are so comfortable I put them in the same realm as slipper comfort with the cushioning. Although The new blister has not backed off and I think it may have grown today. NBD, happens all the time with most shoes, it will settle down soon. I like pain anyways.

Back to feeling fat. I am still wearing the spandex today. I have heard people innocently say wow that spandex shouldn't be on big people, no knowing my inner turmoil with snapping that crap on and prancing around in it. I hate it but it is a nessesity . I run in it, I work out in it. I really know its not attractive, but heres the thing, I am not trying to make my self attractive its about sweat, stink, work and enough friction to start a forest fire. Next time you say something cute in public just remember everyone can hear you, and even if you don't mean to some things can hurt. I think especially as a "good person" you should make it your mission to always encourage and not pass around negativity. So lets keep it clean, chin up all chubbies we are in this together and we are all beautiful.
Song for imperfects: F*n Perfect, PINK


  1. I've never had these problems with my Nike+! I've always worn Nikes with mine though I guess. Sorry yours isn't working out :( Hey, I was reading RLAM last night, the section about shoes, and it mentioned a different way you're supposed to tie your shoes if you are prone to blisters? Have you tried that? And damn right sister, you are beautiful, people are ignorant and sometimes all you can do is ignore them :)

  2. yeah i actually started looping them like that. nb's it doesn't matter how i tie em. Nikes don't blister at all. And my asics its like totally different than my normal blister spot its behind the ball of my foot on the one side. oh and underarmor shoes, i might as well have turn on a couple of weedwackers on my heels. wore them a whole once.
    and thanks so are you my kenyan friend. :)

  3. Great post!

    One time (at band camp LOL! hopefully someone 'got' that reference) I was dropping mail into a mailbox and some snot-nose teenager and her equally snot-nose skinny friend yelled something to me and I heard "fat" in the comment. I walked up to them and said "well, I may be fat but I can lose weight. You girls are ugly and that's forever". Was it borderline juvenile and immature? Yep. Did I feel better? Hell yeah. :) That was about 20 years ago, but I would still do it if it were to happen again. I'm a no holds barred kind of girl and believe if someone if going to say something rude the best be prepared to get it back with both barrels. :)
