Monday, March 21, 2011

Does a Bear piss in the woods?

Welcome new followers, you continue to make my day. I am blown away by the support in person, on face book, at work, even at the gym when I really felt like wearing a cheap disguise. Thank you I am honored. It was nice to meet some new ladies at the gym today also, sorry if I repulsed you with my stinky-ness and snotty wheeze! Its not pretty, a reason I like outdoors, the stink stays behind you! And for anyone at the gym, I don't talk to myself on the treadmil, that is singing. Sometimes I even get a little wag in my stride cause I start to almost dance with really good music, I really enjoy tunes. I don't mind if people see me do that too, they are already watching all this greatness(skin,fat,muscle, sweat,stink, encased in underarmor) bob up and down, so what if they think I am goofy. But I thought I would explain for my new friends on the treadmil beside me. Ooh also, I have a bruise on my right eyebrow, temple, and eyelid. The 3 year old was doing suicide bed jumping to wake me the other day. He's fine I look silly.

So I got my "fuel belt" in the mail. Its an amphipod race thingy. basically elastic band with tiny little nerd pouch for gu's. Um Okay It looks awful. I suspected it would, I am prob going to wear it anyways because its light and it doesn't move. But I dread it, going to be self concious, I don't have a waist yet and people often ask me if I am expecting. No Its just ugly left over skin. Considering wearing it rambo style. I have the camelback and I did wear it last week for like the first 4 miles. It gets heavy and affects posture. I don't think a belt with bottles will fit at all....Still stumped.
Then the other thing. I met someone that ran the Erie Marathon (Manda's MFT). I was picking her brain and I asked about porta-potty abundance. She said you know, I saw people just run up into the woods and just go. REALLY. well there's no chance I could get everything down and up and cop a squat. I have heard people talk about running skirts for that reason. I got way to much action in that area. I will probably be doing capris. The other thing I have heard. Some people in my situation just go. By just go I mean they just ...go. Fun things to think about.
wednesday is 9miler per coach Jenny I go back to week six.

Running song suggestion: Somewhere over the Rainbow, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes

1 comment:

  1. That is great Amanda! I hope you run well and finish strong. I didnt know you had a blog, I have one too at
