Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm commited, so now commit me.

So...big news. I have had something stirring for a while now. A little voice inside egging me on. I finally snapped. I just looked at a training algorythm calculated weeks from my current mileage, and looked for the nearest marathon when I will be ready, and BOOKED the sucker. I will be doing 26.2 in erie pA, 9-18-11. Save the date, pray for me. I am scared but I totally got this. Seriously I CAN. this saturday
I do 10. (with an icebath) this morning i got up at 5 and took my brand new camelback out for a spin. Little did i know it was 15 degrees. I just thought it was cold but I shrugged most of it off because i wake for no body but employment and children and i was tired. I couldn't sleep either, i made myself sleep on this marathon thing. Yesterday if I thought of myself finishing and would burst into tears. I told my mom this morning my plans and i cried then too. Its just a huge goal, and dream. So I trounced down the driveway thinking damn I am tired, and its cold. Now I understand it was too cold. I went 2.75 in my rolling hilly neighborhood. Finishing with bastard hill. You could seriously lay down if you lean! Right after bastard hill is a very scary german shepard, but friendly that was off a leash. I had to remember to no flail my arms and give a broad firm stance so it wouldn't jump. But its owner was up and leaving for work and got him off me! The camel back was great I will be taking it for long days. I will NOT be taking it in 15 degrees. the line freezes! I just really need to go and "think" about this. I decided I am ready to take the challenge and squash that shit.
Please remember me in your prayers I don't think I have ever stuck my neck out so far. And I don't think there is much I have wanted more. (husband, kids excluded from this statement they are everything, and if they need me to stop i will stop with no complaint or regret)
Song: Rocky's Theme

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