Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I just wrote a whole page of excrement, and deleted it. This is my second draft. I didn't have a fantastic run at all today.I just started writing a page long whine about it, and it's gone.Whining is now outlawed. I am pissed I didn't let myself enjoy it more. I don't think I smiled once. I felt fat, old, and slow. My mistake. I am fat compared to others, but compared to me I am looking fine as hell so I guess I should stop comparing myself to anyone but myself. I am not old either- I feel younger than I ever did in my 20's. And slow, well I maybe slow compared to someone else, but I am kicking ass and taking names for my personal fitness. That mind set is going to have to stop- its holding me back. I get a whole day's help once a week to just focus on running, I am freaking blessed for the help and I should be getting all I can out of that, fun included. I am done with being a tool. Marathon training just became fun again.

Guts, All Time Low


  1. Stop it right now you lady or I'll pull over at the track and kick your ass! Even if I have to run to catch you and do it! :)

  2. I resolved to stop it. I promise I promise! hahahha.

  3. Been there, been there, been there! I like to call it brain-f*cked.
    Jenny R.

  4. Jenny, I have to say I really like you.

  5. :) Wasn't sure if I should put that phrase out there or not. Learned it from my mother.
    Jenny R.
