Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th

This morning I got up nice an early to get my run over with so that I could run errands and then my stuff together for the holiday. I worked last night as usual didn't get to be til 1am. Mondays usually always suck. I was feeling a case of the Monday's more than usual, I on my feet all night the night before, already sore from 12miles then a 10k race my body didn't like me this morning. I have a giant zit farm on my chin right now and large area that is refusing to go anywhere. As I ate my half a peanut butter- nana sandwich/taco it ripped open and bled. Wow I make acne look sexy ah? Its hot and that makes me puffy. Being sore makes me puffy, I am a literal water-wienie. Cranky I flop my butt in the van and then proceed to back over my tomato plant. :) I went on my way manda-poofy pants and I had to go to the store first. I see coconut water, I got some to try. Picked up what I need and quickly check out to get to the track. I feel people looking at my dork-ware under armor shorts and shirt, yeah I know I'm freakish confident wearing that in public either that or its super hot! It was humid super super humid.
My body pretty much slowed me down. I felt sore and creaky, and even if I wanted to over do it - I couldn't make myself go any faster. It was like trying to pull a stubborn donkey. My headphones broke I could hardly hear my tunes, I hate hearing my wheezing. I am getting new ones asap. Through 4 miles of the Monday's I do have to say I received the message loud and clear, sleep would have been more intelligent. I get back to the van and tear open the coconut water(oh yeah still chilled), and grab both knees and dry heave. Oh shoot that's gross! I drank it though, hoping it has the magic properties as recommended by Abby. I get back to the drive way, pick up my tomato plant and apologized. Then business as usual about my day. I feel gross.
Later is the neighborhood parade it's a mile loop and my hubby already sore from some recent This Old House type stuff was feeling a little too sore to pull the wagon full of man baby approx 90lbs and then wagon too. So I did that too, with my zensah sleeves on. It was freaking hot, I was covered in sweat by the time we started. But fun, my neighbors are awesome. Looking forward to bed tonight. Happy 4th everybody.

Make Yourself, Incubus


  1. Im sad to hear that coconut water is gross....

  2. It is gross, but I do feel a lot better today, maybe it IS magic! lol :)
