Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Oh my!- four days left. The days are going fast like water through my fingertips. This morning I got up early and did a 3miler in the dark, I should have done another mile, because right now that is the only place I feel like I know what I am doing.
Today I dropped off kids at preschool(my oldest, and princess Sleeping Beauty of Ohioville). I yell to the teacher as I shut the door, "sorry I forgot about his homework!" I can't believe I did that, we were supposed to practice writing his name. I bow my head in shame and get back in the van. Hey at least I got them there with brushed teeth and all of their articles of clothing on correctly and clean! I then took my 2 year old to target to get a back pair of headphones, you know just in case, and bought some more grease for the race. I use Eucerin Cream, its only only stuff I have ever had any luck with, It took me 3 months to almost use up a whole tub. Anyways, I take the little one home, he plays mess up the house for awhile as I update my play list. I am right on time today to pick up the other 2 ankle biters, on monday I thought pick up time was 15 minutes earlier, yeah really. I must feed them, and then take them to the doctors office by 1:15pm to get my 2 flu shots. So we get Happy Donalds and eat at a play ground for 30 minutes exactly I then drill sargent them back to the van. Then we stop at my mothers for a peestop. I drill sargent all three of them to the bathroom and back to the van in 10minutes. We make it to the doctors office at exactly 1:08. We get in, sign in, and sit down. Its quiet for a flu clinic day, too quiet.....OH SHIT> its not the right day, that's next wednedsay. I look at my feet, my little one is taking his shoes off, the other two are walking on the waiting room chairs. Oh god I have finally lost it. How can I be so distracted that I actually did this? nice. Luckily the nurses there understand how crazy I am and give them the vaccines we came for anyway.
As I drove home from the doctors I rolled my eyes at myself. What an ass. A spazass. Feel free to leave LOL comments I know I know, I need to go back to bed and start over!

Pretty Handsome Awkward, The Used
(from transformers)

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