Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Marathon- epilogue

So I can't believe just how many page hits I have gotten over the last 2 days, some crazy number like 300! It's cool to see people read all of this, especially since it started with "welcome to the blog that nobody will read". I just want to thank everyone for the support and all the words of encouragement, you made reaching my dreams even funner.
Monday morning I rolled over as I had been doing most of the night, and YEOOOOUUUUCCH. I pulled on my teeshirt, unbeknownst to me that my shirt had become part of the scab on my sternal chaffing, and I had just ripped it open. Well, I wasn't much of a fan of sleeping anyways guess I'll get up.As soon as my puffy toes hit the floor the Rocky theme plays in my head. I had to visualize this because lactic acid will turn you to stone and the first hour or so in the morning hurts like a bitch. So I waddle to the toilet with the trumpets playing for me and they stop as I grunt to bend to sit. Then I waddle around my kitchen and made some coffee theme music still playing. Da da dah, da da dah. In my head, ladies and gentlemen Amanda the Marathoner makes coffee. Its hurting but I am still going and that amazes me. I was pretty sure I was going to need some crutches or something.
My mom came over the first day and did my mom duties for me. In the morning she took my kids out so I could I have time to rest. She even brought over dinner for the day, she was expecting me to lay in bed all day too. We got Jude's shoes on and then he stomped on my big toe. I screamed and tears shot out so far they didn't even touch my cheeks. I picked him up and told him I was fine, as I sobbed. After they left, I sat up and I did walk around a little bit. I tried to nap, I couldn't there is no comfortable spot so I blogged and posted pictures on facebook. I felt good, really felt kinda like a smart ass, that's all? I should do this more I am really good at recovering. Before I knew it the day was over and it was time to go to bed again. I still didn't feel much like sleeping.
The next morning: Oh my lord. Try getting up and it hurts to move. I don't feel right. I am more sore, and today I also feel sick. I don't understand I thought the worst was over. But now it feels like my eyes will pop out of my head. I am soaked in sweat. There is a puddle on my side of the bed just about, even my hair is wet from yhetti sweating. I manage to feed my kids and myself. As Ryan gets out the door to work I look at him and say "I don't think I can do this today". He had to go, I float on like a lump of crap. I actually did some laundry and started to unpack from the race. I tell my running friends how bad I am feeling and they say the second day is the worst. I had never heard that but it really was true. I was feeling physically sick. My dog stepped on my toe and a blister and popped it with her claw- I almost barfed-PAIN>! I survivied. My mom ended up coming over in the afternoon to help take care of me, and I let her. Thanks mom.
This morning we jumped back into normalness. I got up and showered and dressed. Wore a bra (not easy with a 7 inch scab under your boobs, and shoes, only for a few hours! I took the kids to preschool and took my 2 year old to the grocery store for food. It's good to be feeling better. I will be logging miles just as soon as I am sure my feet are 100% happy. But I am feeling good. I am posting some pics, some eh maybe tmi, but total honesty right?

Float On, ModestMouse

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