Wednesday, September 28, 2011


So this week I haven't done much yet. I have only run once since the race. Last Friday. I am feeling a little more of what I did to myself. I am getting back to normal slowly. I had a massage Monday, then last night I went to body combat. I had a good time at the class but I still felt really tired during and weak.
I am trying to manange my post race blues, cause I got em. I miss Wednesday long days sooooo much. So yesterday I signed up for the Pittsburgh Half Marathon in May. Its not a full 26.2 but its what I will be able to handle this year. Our family keeps changing. My big boy will be probably starting some activity, and my little boy will be potty training, both require more of me and my time. I am excited about it because most of my running pals are running it too. I think its going to be fun!
I am trying to improve on myself before training ramps up again: I am trying not to slack on my diet. I am scaling down my consumption of calories until I start slamming out 10 milers again. I am adding more classes to my workout schedule, hanging at the gym more. I am also trying to improve my skin care. DAMN =>I have acne now. Those long runs do nothing for your complexion. Yesterday I discovered an ear zit. It hurt and there was no way of getting to it, probably from having my ear buds in. NASTY. So anyone got skin care tips? I feel like I am taking a lap back through puberty. I need to do some shopping soon for gear too. I am in the market for a new sports bra, the marathon killed my favorite one. I might try a new brand of shoes next time I swing by Lloyds too. I can't help but notice most of my gear even when clean still stinks a little, I want to try and figure out a solution to that also. I am so shopping for cheesy 26.2 crap too. My minivan needs a sticker and so does my truck and I need a cheesy T shirt for sheez.

In my non running part of life I am trying to improve too. I am cleaning every room in my house ceiling to floor. It needs it, I learned to step over that stuff this summer. I am suddenly noticing the dustbunnies that I told myself were invisible this summer. Rearranging and reorganizing little by little. Time marches on, and my kids are getting bigger too, we'll be discovering new things this year.

I can't help to feel a little bit lost right now. But I'm working on it.

wah wah song: James Blunt, Goodbye My Lover

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