Monday, September 19, 2011

Marathon act 2.

This seems unbelievable but the morning of the race everything went perfect. I had my game face on before I ever went to bed. I got up ate my prerun meal I had packed from home, pbnaner taco and day old coffe from our pot in a sippy cup. I did my business. Then I did something different I went in the other room and got on my knees. Then I got up hubbs. We sport taped me up the back where I rip my moles off, and my bra around the metal closure, then I got dressed in true tool fashion as I applied grease to all my hot spots. I greased my feet including every toe, and put on my shoes. As soon as I was certain my pit crew bag was ready and my fuel belt was right and my number and chip where on my dad was in the parking lot ready to come up.
He came to the room with my step mom, the four of us held hands while my dad prayed. He prayed for me, and then he prayed for hubbs, and finally the other runners. He finished I was tearing of course. He hugged me and told me "I'm proud of you". Really, honestly at that point dad had made me feel like my job was already done. It means a lot coming from him, no one else can say that for him. I needed to hear that from him.Then we hurried off, dad and Lynn had to go to church but hubbs promises to call and checking by cell phone all morning.
We get to the park 10 minutes earlier than they said to and it was a maze of lights of people coming in. He decides to drop me off in the road and I walk in. It was dark and a young lady walked with me. She didn't tell me her name but I could tell she had super curly hair, the pretty kind. She wishes me luck as we walk.
When we get to the start there is a D.J. and tons of people milling around in the cold chill. I kept my sweatshirt on until it was time to line up. I used the potty 2 times before it was time to go. If I am nervous I can pee exponentially. I got to talk to Autumn and Anne before I went, It was good to have someone to stand with.
Then I lined up in my pace group, 12/m is comfortable for me, I wasn't alone. Infact, they went clear to 15/m possibly 16/m, I was getting the tunnel vision. As I stood there, The lady standing next to me told me she was running in memory of her dad, Roger, who had died earlier that month from bone cancer. She was hoping to do sub 4hours. She gave me pointers for a minute and then we hugged as the horn blew and it was time to go. I screamed "I am just so happy to be here!!!!" and we took off!

Back On The Field, The Rudy Soundtrack

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