Thursday, September 1, 2011

Life after 20

So yeah its 20.76, but who's counting. I thought I would write about yesterdays fun experience with recovery from 20. This is not a complaint, its just what happened. I am still a little shocked how fast time has progressed and I have already completed my longest training run, not to mention the race is 17 days away *holyshit*.
So when I got home I made it to the icebath with all of the ice in my freezer and a couple dixie cups and a blue brick. I honestly grunted just about the whole time, my left ass cramped, but the ice felt wonderful on my toes. My left ass is still hurting, I can't wait to explain that one to Nathan, my massage therapist. He's young, and I am old and gross. I can barely look him in the eye at all, I am that shy. I am going to have to answer the What hurts question....with my left ass, fantastic how embarrassing.
I ate a small bit of lasagne, about half a karmelSutra Ben and Jerrys and Some canned soup with crackers. That's the whole day besides GU and a Protien bar in the ice bath, I just couldn't get it in, I felt sick. I still feel a little queasy but I am eating again.
I wore a heavy hoodie and sweat pants with compression socks, all day. I was cold with out them. There a slits in my compression socks for my flip flops.
I watched Spirit of the Marathon on dvd, on my back in bed, with my water bottle under my arm. I cried, it was a good movie. But you know what everything made me cry yesterday. My hubbs called and I cried, for no reason.
I didn't have the kids literally all day, thank you OHMOSTBEAUTIFULMOTHER, but I didn't sleep. When they came home I got down on the floor to dress my kids after their baths, and then I couldn't get back up without assistance. :) The kids were missing me and they crawled all over me and my legs, a test of endurance for sure.
At 7pm I feel asleep for 2 hours and woke up looking for hubbs, he had fallen asleep in our oldest's room, something he does all the time, but I wait 20 minutes and go get him. Sorry honey. After that is was toss and turn all night trying to find a happy place in bed. I finally decided my ass hurt enough for bengay, and then slept on my stomach. At 1 am I woke up with a hot flash, decided I should try and eat something. Karmel Sutra is GONE. Oh Hubbs, how could you do me like that? Haha.Well probably just as well I ate another protien bar and some crackers, and was actually able to go back to sleep, but with minimal clothing on.
Ouchies, I got em. My tail bone again. Chafe there and under my boobs and my waist from my fuel belt. Blisters, which seem minor at this point, on just about every toe. My left ass area, sitting on the toilet HURTS. But sitting on a padded chair is not that bad. My IT band on the right is now making me aware of it. Also my weak ankle on the right is bothering me so I got it wrapped, I think I twisted it yesterday, but not swelling. My toes are super tender, but I'm good. I am actually surprised that's it.
Tomorrow is a new day, I am scheduled for a cross train, probably eliptical as long as my ass is feeling alright. Then I go to the Nathan for a massage so he can hurt me good. Saturday a run, Monday a run, then tues cross train and wednesday only 10miler. I don't know where all this time is going!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eye of The Tiger, Survivor

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