Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The dirty elbow.

Today I did my training run 6 miles. I do have to say it was a bit boring, after doing 10 last week and feeling like my sneakers would grow wings and fly me away cutting back because my schedule says so is irritating. Next week 10 again, then 12, then next month we'll hit the teens. I am so ready to do  new farther distances, I live for the challenge! So I don't have a lot to say about today's run, except it was good, and the whole family is happy. I am thankful for that.
Now I have been holding something in for about 2 weeks and I think its time to let it out. During the Derby in the homestretch I was elbowed. Yeah. I will do the recap building up to this moment: during the race at about mile 1.5 a blonde passes me on the right, and then walks when shes 20 feet ahead. I keep on my happy determined pace and pass her on the left going up a hill. Then again this blonde sprints by me on the right and walks. What is going on here? Do you just want to beat me or PR? I don't usually let other racers get to me, but at the 5th or 6th pass attempt she's getting on my nerves. I can feel her frustration, I can almost understand it. Stupid flabby slow chubby is beating me! I am so blonde and thin this can't be happening. Damn you legs what is the matter with you?! Hahaha. So up the last hill I put a good distance between us or so I thought. When I could see my family and the Kenyan at the end, on the left I got the elbow and she sprinted to the end. Good for you blondy, a whole 7 seconds, worth throwing a dirty elbow to get ahead. FAIL. You never said 'left' or 'sorry', or came back later to say whoops so you can keep your given name on that day - 'itchy.  I think that was bad sportsmanship really. I didn't blog about it when I posted the race report for the simple fact that you didn't deserve mention on my happy PR post.  The discussion to myself later, maybe I am just overly sensitive and if you are racing you elbow to get through sometimes, and because I am getting faster its my first taste of that. Some how I think that's false, but, then again I will never see the front of the pack to know, but i am pretty sure they are normal humans with feelings and use etiquette just like me ei: sorry, excuse me, left, get the hell out of my way... you know things runners say.

I Will Not Bow, Breaking Benjamin


  1. Just remember, Karma's a bitch and someday blondie will get hers with a big bite in the ass. I love me some Karma. :)

    ~Paula (who STILL can't post with my Google login damnit!!)

  2. No, you don't elbow to get through sometimes. You just don't. And the Derby was a smmmall race, not like there were throngs of people she was trying to get around. Elbows happen, I'm sure in my race "career" I may have accidentially brused another runner in a large race, but the difference between them is whether or not you get a sorry after the fact.....

  3. thats what I was thinking! sorry does make it all better!
