Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hey Aqua Lung....

So I had myself a fun little evening with my buddy Lindsay, we went down to the local YMCA and went to what we thought was aqua-jogging. Well we ended up with someone who really didn't even know how to teach aqua jog, but did know a little about water aerobics so somehow the class turned into that. I got no beef with that it was really fun. Not much of a work out, like at all except the swimming suit in public. I was really trying to make the water work against me and use my effort, well I just kept drifting away from the class. This struck me as funny. I start to laugh, and I just never really stopped. Swimming laps with a pool noodle in my crotch with my bff from high school is not going to make the giggles subside either. The teacher kept calling me smiley and teasing because I keep floating away. I think the laughing was the best part of tonight. A giggle with a good friend will help out the grumps any day. It was nice to do something different that won't injure me in my training. Later talking while putting our crotch noodles away I met a fellow blogger and marathoner! Yeah! Nice to meet you ABBYnormally, look forward to reading  your blog, I bet you can tell I get all excited over bloody toenails!  While we were talking the instructor came over and asked me if I was pregnant, while actually standing next to my friend that was ACTUALLY 20weeks. Yeah Yeah I know I look more pregnant than she does but still it's getting old. Really old.I was nice about it, especially coming from a woman that has probably been asked that a few times herself, very common mistake. I think I am going to start saving my spare change for my tummytuck/skin chop someday. Eah maybe not.

Wipeout, The Fat Boys


  1. I almost DIED when she asked. Awkward moment. But you handled it very gracefully! I would have been like, "NO! ARE YOU????????!!!!!!!!!"

    So happy to have met you! I hope our paths cross again! Blogger meet-up--crotch noodle style? Oh yea.

  2. Oh I am getting really used to it. I work in a nursing home and the patients ask every weekend. It was cool to meet you and I know Lindsay will be back to aquasize, I however will not I still have cholrine head and I think with my asthma I am glad I work out in a place with no pool! We should do a race sometime!

  3. The hell?? I've seen you dozens of times and don't think you look pregnant in the least! People are effed up.

    I would LOVE to go to water aerobics but not until I get a tan on this pasty white skin, because now? I glow in the dark. :)


  4. I too glow in my more sensitive places! lol. It is true Paula I would probably not know how to walk right if that crap was cut off, I was in a bathing suit I have a 34 rib cage and 40 inch belly, i see where she is getting it. Some day its getting the boot....
