Monday, June 27, 2011

I want to return this (monthly) gift it's broken

So I'm not in a super mood today due to 'the circle of life'. This is being documented because this is extra annoyance affects my training and my training affect my little annoyance- BIG TIME. I am so miserable right now. The week leading up to this I haven't felt much different except for cranky. Then all of the sudden, mustache attack(hurry get the wax!), sweating hot flashes, nausea, cramps, intense mood swings, crying for no reason, the scale is cleared for takeoff out the damn window, basically life on pause. I do believe that my extra miles have added to my hormonal storm in some way. I wish it would just eventually stop the next couple months because of the running, it happens, I am praying it happens to me(i have blogged this last month and the month before that I think hahahah). I don't have time for this and I have noticed how intense it has become, enough for me to whine about it in public forum- sorry male readers but it's awful, you should know in case you piss me off in some way today or tomorrow! My poor husband is scared of me I am sure. Running used to make all of this a little easier, now it seems to be doing the reverse. If I didn't know of people this happened to I would say it was time to go to the doctor. Tonight I go running, same time the hecklers were out last Monday- go ahead yell something I dare you.

I was complaining to my mom on the phone this morning and she asked " Are you sorry you took all of this on now? "( in relation to the monthly intensity increase) The answer- Not at all. I know this is all part of the plan, I can get through this too. It is just another part of training for this race.

I read in a facebook forum today that women were compairing the marathon to childbirth, also saying that they would never do it again at mile 23. Now this is my thought on child birth- I was not scared of the pain, I told myself it was just 1 day in my life.  I do feel exactly the same way about marathon. If I can be fortunate enough to get my butt to the start on time, I will take it all the way. I will not say 'Never Again', unless it is said for me, I am just happy to be there- I will enjoy every step I take that day. I am not sure about steps after the finish line, as the next day is always harder. I am just saying I feel pretty fortunate to have the resources at this time to do my training, as I probably won't get to do another for a few years. I can't see myself saying NEVER, ever again.

It's only just begun my friends.
Jars Of Clay, Flood


  1. I returned my monthly gift 5 years ago via Novasure and it's the best thing I have ever done for ME. Period. No pun intended LOL

    If you're done with little ones, DO IT! Yewarewelcome. :)

  2. Oh so done with the baby oven! I got "tied" after my last pregnancy, so I could stay off artificial stuff. I have faith once My body gets to have itself back it will level off. :)
