Thursday, June 16, 2011

Out Damned Skirt.

I just recently had a birthday and last week I recently had a chance to actually go spend my gift certificates. You can guess they were mostly to Lloyd's running store. Well I got all kinda good stuff. I got a visor, which I love and wear all the time now. That last high heat run left me with leather forhead even with block on, and being 31(gulp) I don't want premature wrinkles, visor only logical answer my head gets too hot in the summer for hats. I also ordered a pair of Asics,( kyanos? gel stability) he didn't have size 11 in stock, there must be another sasquatch in Beaver County somewhere. I got some more GU gels, and Accelerade powder (yuk), and a couple tops for summer heat. Then I got the big downer- the running skirt. It matched one of the shirts I picked out, and I tried it on too! The hothot heat still in mind, I looked in the mirror, I did look good- butt didn't look bad at all. I happen to know a lot of my Run Like a Mother sisters love these. I should try I toss that on the pile too. I went home with all my goodies and put them all away and laid out my skirt and matching top for the morning run. I am going 5am I don't want anyone to see me in this skirt. I did try it on for Ryan, I get the stock response " you look great honey". This from the man that used to joke about me disapearing when I turned sideways prenant to make me feel better.
I roll out of bed the next morning, excited to be all chicky. Yeah um, no soup for you. I got down the drive way and I had to adjust the ah-hem crotcheal region. Then I got exactly 0.6 miles from my house and gave up. I walked home ( for the reason I still wanted skin when I got there and not to scare anybody). This was supposed to be engineered for sweating and vigorus movement, so why the hell does it look like a horible belt then? I got back to the house tiptoed in, de-skirted, jumped into good old underarmor and take off again. I felt stupid and mad at myself for being stupid enough to think that would work. I ran all the way to town and back on a short day. I just couldn't stop. I can laugh now but that day I was sad all day, I just want to be normal sometimes. As I already told the Kenyan, unless they come up with an atheletic themed night club for the booty skirt(drop it like its hot), it isn't getting much use. For the record, it looks damn good standing still.  Lesson of the day: Anything you think looks pretty, earthquake test it first.
I have a dream. My own running apparel line to go with my dream book. The clothing would be nothing short of awesome looking, but also engineered to either stay put or hold on to extra chub. Its hard enough showing up, your gear shouldn't mess with your head!

All I Want, A Day To Remember

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