Wednesday, June 29, 2011

do they making depends for runners?

So I find that I need protein to feel better, but with all good there is bad too. I don't know how to put this delicately, but I had to poop, and my stomach hurt. My goodness I thought maybe this would happen after reading disclaimer on the bars I have been eating all week. At mile 4 my stomach started, I was thinking maybe I would be okay until after, maybe I should just fart a little then it will feel better. Around mile 6 my stomach became unbearable, I went to the port-a-potty, practically broke down the door getting in it,  and violated it. After that I did feel a little better. Leaving the potty with small package of baby wipes in my hand and wearing a scowl some guy gave me a look, its all yours buddy. In my head during my run I am thinking I'm going to read Fart for life, by the coach for Team Kapoop. It's amazing how people make it through this without crapping themselves. Now I am starting to think they are just quiet about it, and maybe they do actually crap themselves. Oh dear. Maybe at this point I should start running in the woods. It's was funny to me but at the same time so very unfunny. When I got home I had to go again. Maybe I'll loose a few pounds um going through all this toilet paper. I need to tweak this diet a bit. You know all the running magazines have how to avoid "tummy trouble" articles like every month. I always thought, wonder what they mean by that? Um yeah spell it out Runner's World say what you really mean: How to not poop down your leg, That's not a Side Stitch- you're about to mess your pants, and Puke and Poop at the same time it's what's happening now. As I type this the loudest thing in this room right now is my stomach. Oh my goodness, someone bring me over a pair of 'oops i crapped my pants', I am scared I might need them.

It's Tricky, Run- D.M.C.


  1. Ohhhh yeaaaaa... hahah about that darned runner's gut. hahahahahaha. I've had many a run which I've finished with only ONE sock. I buy socks based on how well they will act as toilet paper. Obviously, I buy cheap socks.

  2. Abby omg that made me crack up. I wear balegas, 10 bucks a pair! lol! We must run together someday for shits and giggles.
