Monday, June 13, 2011

Stages of me, Part 4- a runner is born.

When I turned 30 I had offically weighed 100lbs less than I did when I gave birth to Jude. 198. I had stopped wearing maternity clothes, and put on shorts for the first time in about 7 years that where meant to be seen outside of the house. My baby turned 1 my older child turned 3. My measurements one year fighting as follows: Neck, 13, upper arm left 13.5, upper arm right 13.5,  bust 41, rib cage 35.5, waist 36, abdomen(6 inches below waist) 40, butt 45, upper thigh left 26, upper thigh right 25.5, calf left 17.5, calf right 17.75, upper knee left 21, upper knee right 21.5, total 336.75 inches. weight 198.
During this year I spent every night possible at the gym after it got to cold to walk every night. I would spent an hour at a time on the elliptical. I payed a personal trainer as an early birthday present to kick my butt and help me reach my goal of 198 by my birthday. About a month before a the race there was a flyer posted at work. Up until two weeks before the race I kept telling people how that was nuts and "so far". I even told Tracy the trainer it was a good goal, but I didn't want to do that til I hit my ideal weight because I didn't want to get hurt. In conversations with people in my life, I started throwing out the idea. It made someone laugh- not on purpose, more of a accidental 'isn't that cute' laugh. I definitely have to say it sort of hurt my feelings, although I know it wasn't intended that way. I won't forget that, it doesn't hurt me anymore, but that moment changed things therefore I am grateful for it. That night, I went to the gym jumped on a treadmill and set it to 5k course and held on for dear life. I became a runner.  It took me 38 minutes, but I went the distance. I drove from the gym to the nursing home I was working at to get that damn flyer I was signing up. By the time I got there, it was too late to sign up for pre-reg but all my co-workers got to smell and see the most disgusting sweat of my life. I went to that race with only 1.5 weeks of training. I ran in the same shoes I had been working out at the gym in for 6 months, I had terrible shin splints. I wore a new outfit that didn't fit, my pants fell the whole way. I didn't empty my bladder and I had a protein shake for breakfast- so my bladder was full to the max. But that day I finished in 37 some minutes, it changed everything.

Song for the year: ATL, Weightless

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