Friday, June 3, 2011

One year racing

Tomorrow is the Derby. It's funny how not excited I am. I mean I am a little, but lets not go crazy here. I wasn't even planning this one. I paid for Warrior Dash at Christmas time and we had a hotel reserved and everything. Not anymore that has all been scratched due to recent kukups in Manda's life. I feel bad my Kenyan friend paid her way too and isn't going either. But at least she'll be Derby-ing with me. Kind of funny how I have been brought right back to where it all started.
I think this will be good for me, you know to see how far I have come. I will compair times maybe do a little then and now thing. Time to beat 37:19. *grin* That was my first time. Oh boy. My most recent race time 32:44. My PR (not a race) was 29:15. So i don't want to jinx myself, but I think if I pee first this time, I could do better if I really try :)
Lately I am feeling like a caged animal. So much swirling in my brain like a giant toilet making me dummer. I can barely speak sometimes I am so distracted by 'what if's'. I am trying to behave and save it for my training and race, if my husband was home today right now able to watch the kids, I would already be a mile from home before I typed the end of the sentence. I guess I am lucky he's not. I am just saying tomorrow will be more than a race, I have something to shake off and anger is good gasoline....

Justice, Rev Theory

1 comment:

  1. You'll do GREAT! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that it's cool and not sweltering hot. I'll hope for the same while I'm refinishing antique porch furniture. :)

