Saturday, April 16, 2011

Going Comando

Yep that's right. Put on a new pair of under armor capris and they would not stop moving around with my stretchy undies. So I thought; oh well its pouring outside who cares anyways? They sew a crotch in these like undies, might as well see what its like. Well then I just adjusted to only capris. A very weird sensation, very weird. I have FB. No, not facebook, floppy belly. I need a tummy tuck its pretty bad too. I get asked at work all the time when the baby is due by the little old people. So doing this was definitely on my never do list. I usually wear the underarmour compression shorts then compression capris on top to keep everything as still as possible. I think maybe it's something i have been doing to make me feel comfortable, but I don't think its really helping anything anymore. Things are changing and both things do tend to move more than they used to. I am probably needing a smaller size. So I got smaller capris and ditched the undies today to see if any difference. There wasn't much feeling different, but I have no idea how scary it looks! YIKES. lol. It is definately cooler, and in the summer I will probably go with that, since running shorts are only a standing still option.
This whole run today had me giggling because of the no undiepants. The fact that it seems to rain worms this time of year made me laugh a little. I imagined myself screaming like a girl if one landed on me, out of breath or not you would hear it in the next state. My mp3 player singing to me made me laugh a little too, as Van Morrison sings Let it All Hang Out. And my own respiratory system made me laugh too, I spit on my shoulder right on top just as if I were a pirate that's where my parrot would sit. It's a good thing I am soo sore today, esp my butt muscles( i don't have glutes only tools say that). I didn't want to go really, but I went. This was a slow flopping pace :).  I am taking tomorrow off. This was a 20mile week! 

Song; Van Morrision, Jackie Wilson Said(I'm in heaven when you smile) if you run with this run commando!


  1. I did a 1 hr class yesterday and 20 minutes on the eliptical and walked 2miles with the boys in the stroller o' death, that's why i was sore this morning...

  2. I have not been brave enough to try running sans-undies, although *TMI alert* my undies are always soaked with sweat when I'm done, so may be worth a try?

  3. You know I probably won't ever be brave enough at the gym for that just cause i am like that, but it was a little um liberating. LOL!
