Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thoughts on yesterday's run

Well, I've been in a hurry lately, but I have been thinking of somethings to talk about.

First of all, Black Shorts- were is you hydration young lady? I ran 9 miles yesterday you were there for about 5-6 of them and never took a drink! I know I am faster for hydrating, if I didn't I would just be crawling.... just saying I feel your pain today cause I bet your ass is hurting big time. But I do have to say that's pretty damn tough of you!

Second if anyone cares, why so much pink? I wear a lot of pink. Because its absurd, I am nor have I ever been girly. I am so shy about myself and my body in person, and while exercising it's hilarious to me to wear neon pink. Back in my larger days I used to wear a shirt that said "you're not that bad, I'm just that awesome" I was like 250 sporting that, but it made me laugh.

Third I really felt smelly yesterday, if anyone caught a wiff  (walkers) as I past you I am sorry, maybe you should keep up as incentive to not have to puke. :) I am not going fast at all, you could keep up!

How many infections and colds will I get until the MFT any guesses?What is up with that seriously? I don't understand I am the healthiest I have ever been, and the sickest at the same time.....

I need an alias/nickname. I want to make a shirt for the marathon, want to put my name on it and on the back my streetcred. Except I don't have one yet! Any suggestions, I won't be offended, I love being off color.
I was thinking of : The turtle, Snots, Chunk, SuperChunk, Last, Rocky's Fink.... lets hear suggestions.

I have given up on being annoyed with people staying to the left even when they are walking. I give up. Just please smoking is the same as kicking me in the knee cap, just stop it.

Lastly if you can't smile, or you aren't smiling during your work out or at least at the end, you are doing it wrong.

song: Alien Ant Farm, Smooth Criminal


  1. Uh, well I never hydrate for 5-6 miles. I never carried water with me while training for my half. I'm really terrible at it, and need to correct that.

    I think a good word to describe you and your running is "endure", I mean, you call me the Kenyan, but you have the endurance. You've also endured alot to get to the point where you are in your running career. I just don't know how to make that word into a kicking nickname....

  2. GASP! no hydration for half mileage? you pull that crap with mft training it will be emergency room for you! Very BAD BAD KENYAN! You are amazing, I don't understand how you are so fast. I forget the ratio but bigger people need more water, and cals perday...

  3. I will do better with my hydration, I know I must....sigh. I fear cramps though.

    I had a very beautiful sunny run today. It was nice.

  4. From runners world this month: less an hour occasional sip is ok. for longer runs drink early and often. body absorbs better than if you take a huge gulp. 4-8oz every 15min. men, LARGER people, and well-trained althelets tend to sweat more need more. (take in account sea level and temp outside may be more) thats only durning the run. after theres stuff too, and you also have to eat also thats what gu's are. I know the kenyan knows this, but just incase anyone is wondering......

  5. If you go with some from of "Chunk", you need to write "Truffle Shuffle" on the back of the shirt somewhere. ;-)

  6. truffle shuffle would be a good back of the shirt! lol. still open to ideas....
